
This is the #1 Sign of Defaulting on Life


As humans, we are wired for connection, growth, and expansion. The way in which we go about doing that is highly individual. The story we tell ourselves through our beliefs, self-talk, and expectation of what we ‘should’ do shapes how we experience life. (More on rewriting your story next month)


Consciously creating your reality- choosing where you want to go, how you want to feel, and what you want to experience is a critical step in actually getting there. If you don’t claim what you’re wanting it’s easy to slip into living by default. The illusion with living by default is that you’re in control, when in reality, the outside world and outdated beliefs are in the driver’s seat. My bet is that that’s not the way you intended to live your life.


If you got into your car and just started driving until you ran out of gas on some random road in the middle of nowhere would you wonder how you got there? Choosing a destination and getting a map is a much more efficient way of getting where you want to go.


We all have times when where we are going is as clear as mud. It’s actually at that point when everything is at it’s murkiest that it’s most important to focus on how you want to feel. This sets the vibrational frequency that you want to be on. Next is finding things to support feeling that way. It’s the small shifts that build a strong foundation to support the bigger changes.


If you want to feel more peaceful, try skipping the evening news and opting for some soothing music or inspirational reading. If you’re yearning for deeper purpose, maybe it’s time to look at your values and strengths to begin weaving them into everyday life. If you want to feel happier, do one small thing that brings a smile to your face. 



Today is the perfect day to start. What is one small thing you can do to shift out of default? I would love to hear how you shift out of default!



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