
Hi Reader,

It’s a beautiful Spring weekend I started creating a new area for some raised bed gardens in my compact backyard. It’s feeling good to be out in the fresh air and sunshine.

Last week we talked about the red flags to watch for in the wellness industry. This week we’re looking at what you can do about them.

About fifteen years ago, I took a spoon-bending class with a friend. She was exploring parapsychology and the world of energy healing and asked if I would join her. The class was fun, and I bent a few spoons and a butter knife. This particular instructor offered a couple more classes that my friend wanted me to take with her.

I declined. The amount of fear the instructor was teaching did not feel good to me. He was heavy on protection and being wary of anything that was different.

While I believe in good energetic hygiene and sourcing, it does not come from a place of fear. My friend went on to take several more classes with the instructor and ultimately adopted a similar fear-based approach. It was hard to watch as it consumed more and more of her bright open energy.

Developing Discernment

Learning to discern what is a good fit:

  • Listen to Your Gut: What does your intuition say? If something feels off, pay attention. I believe this is the most important component—it’s easy to dismiss your own wisdom. We’ve been taught to listen to others first, and it’s baked into our society. You are the expert of yourself. Lean into what your body, energy, emotions, and spirit are telling you. The more you practice this and lean into it, the easier it becomes.
  • Consider Your Learning Style: How do you absorb information best? Whether through visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic means, ensure the practitioner’s communication style aligns with your learning preferences.
  • Practitioner’s Demeanor: Consider what type of practitioner supports your wellness journey. Do you prefer someone fast-paced, charismatic, calming, or supportive? If it’s a hands-on session, do you want silence or chatting?
  • Aligned Support: Reflect on what support looks like for you. Is this practice, practitioner, and philosophy in alignment with your own? If a practice does not feel aligned with your values, it’s not a good fit. Good practitioners should offer support that resonates and benefits you, not just generic advice. How is the philosophy of the practice/practitioner aligned with yours?

Trusting Your Own Wisdom

Conscious wellness is about making friends with yourself and trusting your own wisdom. Understanding your body’s needs and your mind’s desires is crucial. Everyone has innate wisdom about their own health; learning to listen to it amidst the noise of the wellness industry is key.

Whether you’re making a change in life, health or relationship, trusting yourself to take the next step is critical.

I kept one of the twisty spoons for many years to remind me of the power of aligning with the energy of what I’m doing.

Any thoughts to add? Drop me a note I would love to hear them

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for more articles, visit me over at Medium

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~~Realignment series topic-specific pre-recorded mini-classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal. Inner Wisdom Alignment Bundle

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full