
Hi Reader,

For many years, Easter meant very early mornings with excited children racing around searching for Easter eggs that we had colored and decorated the day before and in search of a basket filled with treats that the bunny hid for them.

It was filled with spring fun: kites, balls, sidewalk chalk, and bubbles—all things that lured us outside to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine after a cold winter.

It’s a primer for new beginnings, new growth, new energy. The days get a little longer, the air a little warmer. Gardens that lay dormant begin to stir with crocus, daffodils, and tulips poking up through the soil.

As we start a new month tomorrow, it’s a good time to check in and see what new things you want to grow in your life. What might you focus your energy on?

Allow yourself to daydream and imagine possibilities even if they feel far away or you have no idea how to bring them to reality. Those daydreams prime the energetic soil for new things to sprout.

Our energy field is a neutral system. It’s our patterns and routines that shape it. Small, consistent actions can have a significant effect.

Some of my best ideas come when I’m daydreaming.

I’m working on creating a stronger writing habit. My schedule varies day by day, so I need something flexible. I test new things and tweak as needed. Many times, I bump into a bias or belief that needs to be unwound.

What might be something you would like to begin or reshape? Drop me a note I would live to hear

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for more articles, visit me over at Medium

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~~Realignment series topic-specific pre-recorded mini-classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal. Inner Wisdom Alignment Bundle

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