
This last week of the year is a limbo space. It’s a little slower, a little gaze toward the next year and a little peaking back at the one we’re leaving behind. The rush of the holidays is done, and there’s a stirring to see where to focus my energy and attention next.

Reviewing the past year always brings with it some surprises and some forgotten wins; not sure why I forget those so much faster than the fumbles.

This year, I added a quick list of what’s in and what’s out to help guide my planning and inspired actions. I lean toward intentions and habits rather than resolutions or goals.

Here’s my list –

In for 2024

  • Choosing peace inside and out
  • Actively looking for the joy and beauty in the small things
  • Engaging my creativity
  • Nourishing deep connection
  • Listening to my body
  • Trusting my energy and intuition
  • Sharing my gifts with others
  • Being intentional with my time and energy

Out for 2024

  • Complying at the expense of my peace
  • Spending time and energy on people I’m not in alignment with
  • Spending time and energy on things I’m not in alignment with
  • Saying yes when I want to say no
  • Taking my body for granted
  • Internalized ageism

I love being intentional about what I want to create for the coming year. While it is simply the turn of a page on the calendar, there is something that’s hardwired into our psyche around a new year. The sense of a fresh start, a new beginning, has its roots in the anticipation of a change.

It allows us to psychologically try on new ways of being and imagine ourselves as a person who says what they mean or a person who trusts her intuition. In doing this pre-paving, the chances for success are increased.

So take a little time and daydream about how you might enter the next year, not a big hairy goal or a rigid set of rules, but in how you show up or the tone of mental chatter in your head.

What might those shifts foster? What kind of energetic foundation do you need to lay so you can support it?