
It’s a big sports day today, meaning the puppy bowl will be playing at my house. I’m not a big sports fan, leaning more toward books, art, and solo pursuits.

That’s not to say community, connection, and relationships aren’t important; I just seek them outside of sports. Give me a book club or a writers’ group any day πŸ™‚


With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I felt that looking into the heart chakra would be timely.

It’s where emotional attachment and love in all its forms are held within the chakra system.


This is where you balance your ability to give and receive love. It is the home for the energy we use when interacting on an emotional level with others, as well as how we manage our emotions internally.


When we connect with the power of this chakra, we give and receive love freely – no strings attached. Often easier said than done. This is where you hold self-acceptance, which is the foundation we build upon to love others.


The expression of a well-balanced heart chakra presents as healthy, balanced emotional attachments with others. There’s also the ability to see the good in others as well as in yourself.

This is also where forgiveness and compassion flow from, both for yourself and others(nudge nudge on the “yourself “- most of us are pretty hard on ourselves).

The heart chakra is the center of the chakra system. This is where you integrate duality.


Things like mind/body, light/shadow, male/female, and individuality/connection are all harmonized here.


Blocks in the heart chakra can result in:


Persistent thoughts of:

β€’ Being unloved

β€’ Something missing

β€’ Having been tricked or fooled

β€’ Not being able to β€˜get enough’ of someone

β€’ Not wanting to share(things, time, people)


Patterns of behavior:

β€’ Possessiveness

β€’ Seeking outside approval

β€’ Jealousy

β€’ Martyrdom

β€’ Distrusting of others

In many cases, an underactive heart chakra can show up in the form of a lack of compassion, martyrdom, possessiveness, a cold, distant demeanor, and/or a persistent feeling of being unloved. It can also manifest in the form of constantly looking to validate yourself externally.


An overactive heart chakra can exhibit itself as angry, jealous, or stingy behavior. It can also be exhibited as distrust of others and a pervading feeling of being taken advantage of. An overactive heart chakra can also result in suffocating others with β€˜love’.


A regular scan of your chakras can help to balance and maintain them. If you’re noticing some of these issues, taking a few minutes to balance your heart chakra and do some grounding can help to shift the energy and bring you back into harmony.

There is free chakra-clearing audio on my website if you need a little guidance.



Drop me a note and let me know what comes up for you