
Empty hammock in the shade of palm trees on tropical Fiji IslandsAs summer comes to a close and thoughts turn towards pumpkin spice lattes and Christmas cookies – admittedly, for those here on the central coast, our ‘summer’ weather happens in early Fall (happy dances for me ).  I still get the itch to look at where I am and what’s sparking my curiosity. I have a tendency to go down rabbit holes, making the end of the year look back a bit of a head-scratching event.

Take a Beat

Life happens. We get busy. It’s easy to plug into responsibilities and get out of touch with what we truly desire. The busyness of just getting through the day rolls into weeks, months, and years.

Life is richer with desire. (even the word desire has a little bit of forbidden fruit feeling to it) In order to attract our desires, we need to give them a little juice so that we come into alignment with their energy. Your desire may be a specific situation – teaching dance moves to an eager group of students, experience – being recognized for your contribution to the dog training community, feeling state – feeling confident in your new business, or a tangible object – a new rocking chair for your porch.

Tune in to Desire

By getting in tune with these our desires, we become “stickier,” drawing to us the things, people, opportunities, and experiences that are in harmony with our desires.

Today I’m sharing a simple yet powerful tool to get your attraction juices flowing by making a list of 50 things you most want to be, do and have.

Getting the Juices Flowing

This is a fun activity that doesn’t take too long, and you can keep coming back to in order to review and add to it. In time start crossing things off the list as done or even with a Nah, don’t desire that anymore..

  • Set aside 15 -30 minutes
  • Gather a mug of cinnamon -cardamom tea (better yet, your favorite beverage) and a notebook and pen, or, if you’re a digital person, your computer.
  • Daydream a little. Begin to imagine what you most desire. How do you want to feel, spend your time, share your life with?
  • If you’re feeling stuck in the way things are like right now or in not really able to plug into the energy of your desire, it’s okay. Play with it a little bit try focusing small, what do you want for lunch, Or try thinking about what it would be like to have unlimited resources to attract to you the things, people, opportunities, and events that would most delight you. Let your imagination run wild.
  • Keep your list open, so that when something flirts on the edge of your mind, you can capture it.

​Open the Door

This might seem a little simple, but what you’re doing is beginning to create the space for things to shift. Desire is a powerful thing. Starting to engage with your desires shifts your energy from ‘this is how it is and will always be’ to these are some possibilities, and I can create them.

Let me know how it goes for you. For real, I read every reply.