Trusting Your Gut: Lessons from Simone Biles🥇

Trusting Your Gut: Lessons from Simone Biles🥇

The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 26 ​​ Hi Reader, I was watching the documentary Simone Biles Rising this week {I am not into sports, but I LOVE the Olympics}. I have such admiration for her ability to trust her own wisdom and having the courage to do what was...
Confessions of an Aura-Challenged Healer 😂

Confessions of an Aura-Challenged Healer 😂

​ A few years ago, I was having dinner with a friend. We were talking about our healing practices. Allison is a flower essence practitioner and animal communicator.​ I lowered my voice just above a whisper to ask her, “Can you see auras?” She leaned in, lowering her...
Happy Independence Day: Midyear Evaluations

Happy Independence Day: Midyear Evaluations

The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 24 ​​ Hi Reader, We’re having our first heat wave of the summer this week, luckily the fog here on the coast helps keep the temperature down a bit. I did have a delightful moment last night sitting with a glass of wine, on the swing...
Vulnerability, Needs, and How To Ask For Help

Vulnerability, Needs, and How To Ask For Help

It’s been a social few weeks for me with a couple more coming up. As an introvert, I need to balance my social activities with my alone time. Part of my downtime this week was spent with Marcellus, the octopus in Remarkably Brilliant Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. It...