
Hi Reader,

It’s been an unusually hot week here on the coast, with temps over 100 for the past three days. It’s amazing how much the heat takes out of you. My saving grace has been cooler evenings (68 ish), as we do not have air conditioning. My pace has been a little slower overall, with a bit of reading in the backyard, some writing, and some energy work. A much-needed and nice reprieve from the chaos in the world and a nod to being in transition.

Uncertainty is not something that most people embrace. It’s a universal experience that affects people in many ways. Economic, health, relationship, and work concerns can rattle our sense of security.

Even simple day-to-day activities can feel overwhelming and energetically exhausting. Yet uncertainty can bring with it a sense of adjusting, adapting, and possibility. Shifting your perception to see uncertainty as an opportunity to find solutions and create a different, possibly better, version of life helps in navigating the uncertainty.

These past few weeks seemed to bring with them a desire to look inward and explore what I want the future to look like. I found the same to be true with my clients and friends. (mine, perhaps related more to a rather big birthday coming up, but I’m not admitting anything😉)

Clearing away the ‘I should’, ‘I could’, and ‘I’ve always’ done this or that is always a good place to start. We all want to have certainty and the security it provides, each of us to a varying degree.

In an effort to move past the discomfort of the uncertainty, sometimes we try and push things along or rush through to get to sure footing again. When we do that, we often miss a hidden gem or alternate path that just needs a little space to unfurl. Sitting with the uncertainty and leaning into the experience of what is right now, in the moment, can feel slow and scary. Especially because we’re taught that our worth is in our hustle, our productivity…doing all the things. By slowing down and visiting with the uncertainty we allow ourselves to explore what we really want and to let alternatives we couldn’t otherwise see bubble to the surface.

I’m a recovering people pleaser….I really do want everyone to be happy and fulfilled… and I know I best serve when I hold space and teach techniques to connect and fine-tune energy while honoring my own values and dreams. If I rush through uncertainty, I tend to do what other people want/expect instead of what fills my cup. Ultimately I end up back at square one again in short order. Do you have a two-steps forward, three-steps back pattern you would like to disrupt?

When I’m feeling uncertain, some of the things that help are chakra balancing, meditating, tuning in to my inner wisdom, and journaling. These practices help me connect with my own desires and see where I may be pushing to get through something that needs a little more time to percolate.

Wishing you a week filled with health and peace. Drop me a note and let me know how you manage uncertainty.

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for more articles, visit me over at Medium

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