
Hi Reader,

I’m heading to Santa Fe for a writers’ conference next week. If you have any must-see places, please drop me a note. I’m looking forward to being with other writers and immersing myself in the craft of writing. The prep for being away made for a busy week, you know what I mean, the extra laundry, packing, and making sure all the moving parts are covered.

One extra task on my to-do was a fridge on the fritz. After a Zoom call the other night, I came downstairs to a freezer with melty ice cream and defrosted peas. After checking the obvious things, I decided to leave it for the night and check it in the morning.

Something told me there was more to the breakdown. After some Google searches, I discovered the brand of refrigerator I have (LG, if you’re curious) has some known issues, resulting in a class lawsuit. I knew a call to a repairman was needed.

Fun fact: I am an adept repairwoman- I replaced the drain pump on the washing machine a couple of weeks ago. If possible, I prefer to fix it myself—a strong tendency in my life… flying solo and not asking for help.

They returned the call the next morning.

Repair company: “Do you still need help with your fridge?”

Me: “Yes, thanks for calling back.”

Repair company: “ How old is it? What brand is it?”

Me: “ Five years, LG’

Looong silence.

Repair company: “We dont work on LG.”

After a bit of back and forth, she told me it was a twelve hundred dollar repair, and I should call LG to “stomp my feet” a bit so they would cover the part and labor, which I did. The LG rep had me go through a series of steps, including taking the temperature of the fridge and freezer, as if the melted ice cream was not proof of an elevated freezer temperature.🤪

Trusting that gut feeling and reaching out for help saved me a lot of time and money. Even though asking for help isn’t my go-to response, I have learned to lean in and trust my gut. Building that trust in your intuition is an important skill. There are many ways to build this trust.

One of the simplest is to use intuition on small things that you don’t have an attachment to – directions(when you’re not short on time), small choices while paying attention to your body and how the choice feels.

After jumping through all the hoops they are paying for the repair, the LG repair person is coming next week while I am away.

How have you built up your intuition muscle?

Have a delight-filled week.

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for more articles, visit me over at Medium

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~~Realignment series topic-specific pre-recorded mini-classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal. Inner Wisdom Alignment Bundle

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full