
Hi Reader,

I’ve been stirring the pot in my business. Looking at what I want more of, less of, and what comes next. It’s fun, scary, and exciting. I love to create and I have a few new projects on the horizon that will blend creativity, energy medicine, and self-discovery… so much fun. I hope you have something that’s sparking your interest too.

I wanted to talk about purpose this week. I hesitate to use this word as it has become almost cliche. Many times, it’s used in reference to work, but it’s bigger than that, it’s really about having a deep sense of meaning in your life. Sometimes work and purpose are intertwined, but more often, they are not.

I’m referring to a sense of meaning and direction in everyday life. It gives you a zest for life. This is not to say that every single day, you spring out of bed brimming with exuberant excitement. It’s more the day-to-day engagement with life that feels meaningful (to you) and helps you navigate through the rough patches.

The first episode of Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones discusses purpose as a critical element to longevity. I would agree with that. The energy that flows when we have a deeper purpose is stronger, higher vibration, and more resilient.

There are many components to purpose: a sense of contributing to the greater good, a feeling that you and your contributions matter, and a sense of meaning. Discovering your ‘why’ helps connect you with purpose, a bridge of sorts. ​​

My ‘big why’ is centered around empowering women to be the full expression of themselves. It lends itself to healing, particularly self-healing. My why shows up in the way I parent, the way I communicate, in my relationships, and especially in my work.

It’s a central cause of my frustration with Western medicine: a person isn’t treated as a whole. Rather, the symptom is addressed (and then the side effects are treated), but the root cause is not healed, and this often disempowers people, making them feel small and impotent.

When I first started my coaching business, I would only work with clients for three months because I didn’t want anyone to be dependant on me as a source of well-being. I wanted to teach them they could create the outcome they desired for themselves. Looking back, it was a silly rule. I trust in my process and my clients now, and if needed, I simply discuss these things with clients as they come up.

Plugging into my purpose has helped me to clarify what I’m creating and why. Don’t get me wrong, I have days where I want to (and sometimes do) pull the covers over my head or curl up with a book and forget there’s a world outside. My strong sense of purpose helps me navigate my way back into the world.

How about you – What gives your life meaning? What lights you up, sparks curiosity, or annoys the heck out of you? How are these things showing up in your life? Drop me a note to let me know.

Journal Exercise – Try This – 15 minutes

Uncover & Articulate Your Why

Take out a paper and pen (or open a new document on your laptop) answer the following questions, then come back to them in a couple of days and clarify your answers. This can help you seek out opportunities to engage with your sense of purpose or why in a more conscious manner.

  1. What are the things that excite and engage you?
  2. Note activities you do/have done that make you lose track of time.
  3. What values are really important to you?
  4. What are things that really rub you the wrong way?

Take a look at what you’ve written and pull out the common threads, then try to see if you can incorporate more activities that use those threads. For example, if creativity is a thread then how can you infuse more creativity into your life?

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for more articles, visit me over at Medium

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~~Realignment series topic-specific pre-recorded mini-classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal. Inner Wisdom Alignment Bundle

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full