
It’s a quiet relaxing Sunday morning. I have my coffee and my journal with plans to pick out a new tree for my backyard today and not much else planned. Having the space to relax and just be, is one of the things I’ve been focused on consciously creating. It’s also a bit of a challenge for me because I suck at time management … my ‘to do’ list is less than realistic with time estimates.

One of the key components of effective conscious creating is trust. Learning to trust your own intuition, the cues your body gives you, and that the universe is cooperating with you can be challenging. All of the ways we take in information, from our 5 senses and from the energy field that moves through you and around you, can be overwhelming. When stirred with expectations and societal norms, it can be hard to decipher what’s true and what isn’t.

There are many processes to help you tune in and decipher your own truth. Today let’s look at synchronicities. You know that time you were thinking about an old friend and then they called, or you needed something for a project, and it showed up. The energetic frequency of where you were and the friend or missing piece matched.

Pay attention to these synchronicities. They’re an indicator of where your energetic frequency is. By paying attention, you’ll begin to notice patterns, and in recognizing the patterns, you can begin to build trust(even when someone else contradicts you). Having a cranky morning does someone cut you off on the highway every-time(not that this is one of my patterns or anything;-} )? Feeling nostalgic, does an old friend call?

This does more than build trust in yourself. It helps to recognize that how you’re feeling is connected to what you experience, and you have control over that. It may seem like a small awareness, but it can have a powerful impact.

In learning to create some free time for myself, I had to look at the tendency to underestimate the time it takes for things and my tendency to over give, both of which show up as a heavy sense of responsibility and a sense of constriction.

I actually get far more done when I’m inspired by fun and joy, and for me, that means some space to relax and daydream. I’ve had a few synchronicities pop up around tools I needed for the Center for Conscious Wellness in the past couple of weeks as I’ve created some space to just be (still not there with the bookkeeping stuff, so if anyone has a suggestion, I’m open!)

Have you had any meaningful synchronicities? I would love to hear them just respond to this email to share.

From My Inspired Soul to Yours,
