
Hi Reader,


Today is the perfect day to publish this piece, as it is the 13th. πŸ€πŸ€žI was having dinner with my friend Alicia a few weeks ago. Directly behind our table was a floor-to-ceiling glass wine refrigerator. There was a rolling library ladder used to access the upper shelves. Beyond the refrigerator was a short hallway that led to the restrooms. Partway through dinner, a waiter rolled the ladder to the front of the case to get a bottle of wine and left it there.


I watched as several people walked under the ladder to get to the restrooms, cringing each time. Alicia glanced over her shoulder and asked why I kept cringing. Just then, a woman came up and stopped in her tracks. She shook her head and took a step back. She caught the attention of a passing waiter and asked him to move the ladder because walking under it was bad luck. I turned to Alicia and said that’s why…all those people who went under the ladder might have bad luck now.


Today, let’s dive headfirst into the captivating world of superstitions. You know, those quirky beliefs that somehow find their way into our lives, influencing the way we think, act, and maybe even feel a little hesitant around a ladder. Yep, I’m talking about you, number 13, ladders, and crossed fingers! Let’s explore the fascinating realm of superstitions and how they’ve snuck their way into our everyday lives.


The Unlucky Number 13:

Picture this: a Friday the 13th. Thunder cracks ominously, and a black cat strolls by – is it just us, or did the room suddenly get chillier? The number 13 has a long-standing reputation as an unlucky omen, and let’s peek into the mystery behind the superstition.

Ancient civilizations saw the number 12 as the pinnacle of perfection, aligning with the cycles of the moon, the months in a year, and even those zodiac signs we’re always checking out. But 13? It threw a wrench into the harmonious clockwork of things. Norse mythology dropped its disruptive hat into the ring with Loki’s uninvited attendance at a divine dinner party bringing the party count to 13. And yes, you guessed it – chaos and a not-so-happy ending ensued.

Fast forward to Christianity, and the Last Supper story magnified the superstition. Picture Jesus and his 12 disciples sharing a meal. One disciple plays the ultimate party crasher, making it 13. The arrest of the Knights Templar on Friday the 13th, marking their downfall – cemented this superstition in place. Although perhaps T Swift can continue to disrupt the bad run the number 13 has had.


The Ladder Conundrum:

Now, ladders. Tall, sturdy, functional, and yet somehow

able to send shivers down our spines. Walking under one is considered a harbinger of bad luck, and you’ll often find folks performing some contorted acrobatics to avoid an under-ladder strut, myself included. (and the impetus for this article) But why?

Ancient Egyptians thought the space beneath a ladder was a mystical meeting point of good and evil spirits. Fast forward to today, and the ladder’s triangular shape caught up in its vertical embrace gave way to the idea of disrupting the sacred Holy Trinity. So, next time you sidestep a ladder, remember – it’s not you; it’s the desire to side step evil spirits (or maybe it’s simple geometry?).


Crossing Fingers for Luck:

Ever crossed your fingers while making a wish? Long before emojis existed, this simple gesture was an ancient good-luck charm. It’s like sending your hopes and dreams directly to the universe – via your crossed fingers.

Whether it’s hoping for a promotion, acing that test, or just surviving another Monday, crossing your fingers becomes a reassuring little ritual. As you twist your fingers into a secret handshake with destiny, you’re not just wishing for luck – you’re creating a connection between your heart and your dreams.

Influence in the Modern World:

Superstitions may sound like quirky relics from the past, but they have a sneaky way of influencing our choices, thoughts, and emotions. They are often subconscious and pop up unexpectedly. I was grimacing before I recognized why.


Whether we’re skipping the 13th floor in a hotel, avoiding black cats, or simply giving in to that urge to knock on wood, these little habits make us feel like we’re taking destiny into our own hands – even if it’s just for a fleeting moment. This can have positive effects shifting the energy in the moment and influencing an outcome.


So, what’s the takeaway? Well, embrace your quirky side. I’m a huge believer in owning your quirky. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, superstitions remind us that, deep down, we’re all seekers of meaning, trying to make sense of and control the unpredictable world around us, even for just a few moments.


Keep crossing those fingers, but maybe avoid walking under ladders. Just to be safe. πŸ˜‰


What’s your favorite superstition? Hit reply and let me know


Be Well,





P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​​


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~ I’m working on some shifts in my business, looking to create more community, write more, and do more research along the way I’ll share as things become more clear.

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