We are having some warm weather this week a break from the “June Gloom” that northern California has this time of year. I got a sunburn while writing at the cafe on Tuesday – a reminder to put sunscreen on all exposed skin not just my face.

I took a few days last year for a solo getaway to do some planning and writing. I stayed at an Airbnb in Carmel, the space was charming, mementos from the owners travels adorned the walls. Skylights let the light in.

The private garden in the back had an abundance of greenery and flowers with peeks of the ocean from the gazebo. The hostess was warm and welcoming. She showed me the space and reviewed the rules…oh so many rules.

I’m not a big rule person and forced structure makes me itch. The energy was off and I’m pretty sensitive to that. At first, it was all I could focus on. I went outside to the gazebo and sat in meditation.

When I went back inside to unpack I shifted my focus. I did some clearing of the space and chose to focus on the things I was grateful for. Gratitude is something you hear a lot about and it’s something that can easily fall off the radar or start to become rote.

The thing with gratitude is you need to actually feel it in order for it to shift your energy. There is an element of vulnerability when you deeply feel gratitude and appreciation.

Joy follows gratitude. Pure joy shows up when we’re being fully present, clear headed, and immersed in our life. Gratitude primes us for it.

Sharing your gratitude or appreciation with others can amplify it. A few years ago my friend Tawnya created a practice she called 365 Grateful. She took a photo each day and posted it with an expression of gratitude. It not only boosted her energy it lifted many others.

I like to start and end my day with gratitude but the practice had fallen away. My trip reminded me to be more conscious of it.

Here’s a practice I started last month. Every time I say thank you I pause and reflect on what I am thankful for and then add that to my thank you.

So when I went grocery shopping yesterday instead of just saying thanks to the gal at the register I said thanks for helping me with my groceries today and offering a smile.

Thank you, for reading my words, responding to my questions, and sharing this journey with me.

What are you grateful for today? Drop me a comment and let me know – and share what your gratitude practice looks like

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