
I started a new jigsaw puzzle this week. It’s never just a puzzle for me. I work on a puzzle when I need to distract my mind so I can sort through things on a more intuitive level without my mind taking over.

We’ve all had an abundance of stress and chaos in the last few months, well, actually years.

I’ve been thinking about the seasons in life, both big and small.

I’m currently in a fallow period, and I must admit it isn’t my favorite. The resting, letting things settle, and preparing for the next stage of planting are nice for a short time, but then I get antsy. I tend to be a doer with some mandatory rest built in, so I don’t fizzle out.

If you’ve not looked at life through this season’s lens, here’s a synopsis:


The winter is fallow, slowing down, resting, and replenishing. It’s certainly necessary, even though we like to believe it isn’t. The energy here is calming, clearing, and often internal. It may not feel like much is going on, but processing what has occurred in the other seasons is the big takeaway here.


I like the creative pull of spring, planting new seeds, and cultivating new growth. There is the energy of new beginnings and a sense of hope in the season of spring. This is where you’re trying something new, acting on a shift in your perspective, or discovering new aspects of your relationship or career.


The summer, when the seeds you’ve planted are growing and need tending and pruning, is exciting. This season is slower-paced and laden with the energy of anticipation and deepening of effort. You’ll start to see results, create habits, deepen your connection with someone, or gain familiarity with the new things you’re learning.


​The autumn harvest, where you see the fruits of labor, identify where you can improve. There is an increase in activity in harvesting. The energy of completion, coming full circle, resides here. It’s satisfying. You may leave the situation behind, accomplish a goal, or have tangible results.


The space of a fallow period can help in seeing things from a different perspective, allowing for new ideas and ways of being. It’s a beautiful season and, in many ways, the hardest.

The monkey mind chatter that tells me I’m missing out, or being lazy, or a variety of versions of these themes, minimizes the importance of the fallow time.

Over the years, I’ve learned to tune in to these seasons and (try) not to rush them. Pushing against a fallow time or rushing a harvest is not in my best interest and expends far more energy than needs to be spent.

This season analogy extends to so many areas, relationships, careers, finances, and personal growth. The actual seasons in nature influence our activities, as does the stage we are currently in any area of our lives.

Recognizing and being gentle with ourselves can help us to navigate through the experience more consciously, and with more pleasure.

What season are you in right now?

How can you allow yourself to be in the energy of that season?

As for me, I’ll go finish my puzzle with a cup of cinnamon cardamom tea.