
Change your story, change your life.

Cutting-edge research in mind-body medicine to create the changes you’re yearning for.

Cathy Brennan - Mind-Body Medicine

Change your story, change your life.

Cutting-edge research in mind-body medicine to create  the changes you’re yearning for.

The Human Energy Field

Each of us has a biofield, an electromagnetic energy field that runs through us (think EKG or brain waves). This energy has a specific vibration that fluctuates. Learning to manage this vibration helps improve how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Baby Steps = Big Shifts

The big bold leaps have their place but most lasting change occurs with small consistent action. Making the goal for today to be 1% better than yesterday feels very achievable and helps eliminate the overwhelm that often accompanies big change. 

The Voice Inside Your Head

There is a quiet voice that gently (or not so gently) nudges you toward flow, the path of least resistance to your goal. This is not to be confused with the self critical voice that originates in fear. The voice of intuition is something that takes time and effort to tune in to clearly, and is well worth the effort.

The Brain , The Biofield, & The Body

Hi, I am Cathy, a  a mind-body researcher, integrative wellness coach, and author. I study the effects of thoughts and biofield resonance on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being and look at the science of what makes people desire, initiate and create lasting change. I then share it with my clients and community ( you’re welcome to join us, see below!).


Laying the Foundation: Root Chakra Energy

Laying the Foundation: Root Chakra Energy

The end of May ushers in the unofficial beginning of summer, much as I like the longer days and warmer weather ….how did five months speed by? It’s been a challenging couple of weeks with some unpleasant family dynamics. I have been very grateful for my sister Pam, my chosen family, and my children’s love and support. It has also made me realize how many tools I have in my back pocket. Chakra work is a core practice for me. The spotlight is…

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The Energy of Purpose: Engaging With What Matters

The Energy of Purpose: Engaging With What Matters

I’ve been stirring the pot in my business. Looking at what I want more of, less of, and what comes next. It’s fun, scary, and exciting. I love to create and I have a few new projects on the horizon that will blend creativity, energy medicine, and self-discovery… so much fun. I hope you have something that’s sparking your interest too. I wanted to talk about purpose this week. I hesitate to use this word as it has become almost cliche. Many times, it’s used in reference to work,…

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Energy of Healing: Learning to Listen to Your Physical Body

Energy of Healing: Learning to Listen to Your Physical Body

Monday morning I was hobbling down my stairs like a hundred and forty-year-old awakening after a month-long slumber. I knew it was a bad idea to try to push through it. I’m always telling clients to “Be gentle with yourself” and “Listen to your body,” and I often forget my own advice. Spring is in full swing here. I was clearing out some space for a raised bed this weekend and overdid it. I slowed down and listened. Slowing down in a world where hustle is the name of the game is a…

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