
Hi Reader,

This week I participated in a lifestyle medicine program. There was one in particular that had me grumbling. One of the presenters (who shall remain anonymous) spoke about epigenetics (in a nutshell the science that says your gene expression is influenced a great deal by your environment), a subject I love as it ties into mind-body medicine.

Imagine my surprise when he twisted the science to support the changes he was asking people to make.

Grrrr…..it’s okay to have a preference and to express that preference. It is not okay to misrepresent something so others do what you want.

Unfortunately, this happens more and more often. Information is widely available and advances in science and technology advance quickly. It’s hard to stay current.

Being able to tune into your body, energy, and inner wisdom is a valuable skill. Three of my favorite tools to deepen this connection are meditation, mindfulness, and energy scans. Each of these techniques is simple(not always easy) and can be done in short time frames.

A few minutes of meditation, in any format to start your day. A quick energy scan before you start a task. A thirty-second mindful moment at the top of each hour.

They all help to smooth out our day and help us relax into our own wisdom and flow.

Deep down our true state of being is not one of struggle but one of flow. The teaching of Abraham Hicks explains:

“Clarity is your natural state of being. Healthy is your natural state of being. Eager is your natural state of being. Loving is your natural state of being. It is natural for you to have desire, and it is natural for you to anticipate happy outcomes. And it is natural for you to love. It is natural for you to sing. It is natural for you to play. It is natural for you to skip. And it is natural for you to be joyful.”

What if we choose to allow it to be easy to flow? I can feel the sharp intake of breath, the excuses welling up, and the shoulders tightening along with the glimmer of hope, desire, and wanting.

Next time you feel like you’re struggling pause for a moment and ask yourself, “Why am I saying no to this being easy?” and “How can I allow myself to be in flow?”

It’s a practice I come back to again and again because, well…. it can be easy if I let it and that’s so much more productive than digging my heels in and struggling.

Each time you relax into your natural state of being you release some of the energetic baggage that you’re carrying.

Great things can be created with ease and grace. Relax for a moment and think about it, you deserve ease and grace, after all it’s the natural state of things.

Where are you struggling in your life? Imagine what could happen if there were no struggle. How can you allow it to be easy?

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~Group Coaching 8-week small group starting up in January – Mind-Body Medicine for Chronic Illness – partnering with your body to maximize well-being

~ Clarity Sessions will be back in July this is the only way to access Webwork my energy healing process more info soon

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full