
Happy Valentines Day! Love is in the air. When I was younger, Valentine’s day was all about romantic love. As I got older, my scope became broader. I took a few moments this weekend to think about all of the different types of love that enrich my life, and I felt very grateful. I packed up Valentine’s care packages for my kids and grandkids on the east coast (the trick is getting them in the mail).

For many people, along with all of the sweet treats, there can be moments of sadness or longing for what feels like is missing in their lives. Self-love is one of the essential elements in sharing love with others.

On Valentines Day, we tend to look toward expressions of romantic love. Love has so many facets, with romantic love being just part of the spectrum. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a long, slow kiss, some red roses, and a glass of champagne (and all that follows) but moving past the blush of romance to love in all its forms is where I want to venture today.

Life is infinitely richer when love is woven into the fabric of it. Open-hearted, soul nourishing, expansive, affirming – in its full spectrum, love can show up in numerous ways.

Here’s a list to get you started:

Love for:

  • yourself
  • a connection to a higher power
  • a child
  • a sibling
  • a friend
  • a parent
  • a pet
  • nature
  • an experience

Instead of plucking the daisy petals with ‘he loves me, he loves me not‘ how about saying ‘I experience love by……..’

How much love can you let into your life?

Today on Valentine’s Day, stop and pause for a moment to honor and acknowledge the full spectrum of love in your life. Play the daisy game above, real or imagined, to help bring it all into focus.

If you’re wanting a little boost in self-love, I did an EFT tapping sequence on the Love Yourself summit last week; go here to grab the tapping script and tapping points(be sure to add your own flair to the script)https://centerforconsciouswellness.ck.page/060525dccf

From My Inspired Soul to Yours,

Be Well,
