
Books on My Nightstand- July

Cancer and the New Biology of Water

By: Dr. Thomas Cowan MD

Dr. Cowan explores some fundamental assumptions that western medicine has which impact how we treat the disease process, in particular cancer. The arguments he lays out make sense and he has had some good results with his protocols. I particularly like the discussion around cell function and how that critical piece changes everything. It ties into Dr. Zach Bush’s work and the work being done in epigenetics. This one I both listened to and read – listening is easier.


Where’d You Go, Bernadette: A Novel

By: Maria Semple

This story of a female architects midlife unraveling and discovering the way back to herself was a movie, which was good, but the book is better, kept me reading. There were many points where I was nodding my head in recognition of a universal truth. The fears in our heads become larger than life and will consume us if we let them. Staying tuned in to our own inner compass and true north is critical to being happy and creating a life we’re eager to wake up to. The mother daughter relationship was particularly poignant.


Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother’s Will to Survive

By:  Stephanie Land

This memoir of a women whose life changes drastically after an unexpected pregnancy and choice to become a mother. The grit and resilience of the author is remarkable. I laughed, cried, and was saddened at the red tape, lack of funding, and judgement of others that was(is still) prevalent for single mothers. The book was engaging and had you wanting to get back to it.


That’s it for this month. If you have book suggestions, drop me a note or post on social media.

I’m always looking for a good read.


Be Well,






PS- I got a few questions about the mind-body toolkit last week, here is an info page to learn more!