I shared some information on the energy of collective consciousness this week with a few clients. If you’re not familiar with the term, collective consciousness is considered the general shared beliefs, morals, and rituals of society. It has its own energetic flow and can influence our energy field.

Currently, we are in an environment with significant divisive and chaotic energy. The power dynamics in society are shifting. This affects all of us in one way or another and creates a great deal of uncertainty.

I am feeling it most acutely in my career/business realm. Friends and clients are feeling it more in their relationships, health, or financial arenas. Each of us is unique, and our experience is shaped by so many different things. How we are influenced by the energy that surrounds us differs, but there are some universal themes.

​Taking a few moments to check in and scan for the source of your feelings can help you choose how to respond. The collective consciousness can amplify an emotion or skew it in a different direction.

One of the themes I am seeing is an increase in baseline fear. In particular, coming from a place of fear when it comes to making decisions. Fear has its place. It can help keep us safe, and it can also inhibit our growth.

When fear is in the driver’s seat, decisions are made from a very narrow viewpoint. We become hypervigilant about making the right choice, often to the point of taking no action. Having uncertainty and fear in the collective consciousness turns up the volume of it in our personal energy field.

The higher the level of fear, the more disconnected we become with our own wisdom. It’s an amygdala hijack, the primitive brain taking over and bypassing your rational brain. By consciously acknowledging the fear and removing it from the driver’s seat, you reclaim your authority.

Easier said than done, true. Here are some tips for recognizing when fear is driving your decisions and how to put her in the back seat.

If you’re –

  • Obsessing over the ‘right’ or ‘perfect’ decision
  • Trying to convince yourself something is okay when you know deep down it really isn’t
  • Primarily focused on what others will think

Simple shifts –

  • Shift your perception; instead of getting it right, try looking at it as getting the next piece of the puzzle. This diffuses the pressure and embraces the knowledge that it’s not the only or last decision you will ever make.
  • Use the mindfulness practice of non-judgment. Take an observer stance and detach from your judgment and your perception of others’ judgment.
  • Write a letter to your fear, odd as it sounds, it’s really liberating

I’m a big proponent of regular energetic hygiene, small simple things done regularly make a big difference. Here is a free chakra cleansing meditation that can help.

What do you do to move forward when you’re in fear?