
One of the things that happens for most of us as life gets busy and we have more responsibilities is we get out of touch with what we truly desire. We’re so busy getting through the day it just fades into the background.



If we want to attract what we desire we need to give it a little juice so that we come into greater alignment with the energy of what we most desire. This may be a situation, experience, feeling state, or a tangible object.  By getting in tune with these things we become “stickier”, drawing to us the things, people, opportunities and experiences that are in harmony with our desires.



Today I’m sharing a simple, yet powerful tool to get your attraction juices flowing by making a list of 50 things that you most want to be, do and have. This a fun activity that doesn’t take too long and you can keep coming back to in order to review and add to, and in time start crossing things off the list as done.


  • Set aside 15 -30 minutes.
  • Gather a beverage and a notebook and pen (or if you’re a digital person your computer.)
  • Begin to imagine what you most desire How do you want to feel, spend your time, share your life with?
  • Sometimes we get stuck what things are like right in this moment, this is about moving above the present moment – think about what it would be like to have unlimited resources to attract to you the things, people, opportunities and events that would most delight you. Let your imagination run wild.
  • Keep your list open so when things pop into your mind you can jot them down.





This might seem a little simple but what you’re doing is beginning to create the space for things to shift. This list helps shift your energy from ‘this is how it is and will always be’ to these are some possibilities and I can create them.



Let me know how it goes for you Okay?