The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 24 Hi Reader, We’re having our first heat wave of the summer this week, luckily the fog here on the coast helps keep the temperature down a bit. I did have a delightful moment last night sitting with a glass of wine, on the swing my daughter built me and a Ruth Reichl book (Save Me The Plums:My Gourmet Memoir). A lovely close to the first half of the year. Hard to believe we’re halfway through the year. This time of year brings out some introspection for me. A little over a decade ago, on Independence day nonetheless, I moved across the country alone. I leaned in. Deeply trusting myself to make major changes that needed to be made. I got on a plane with tears running down my face as I left all that I knew to start a new chapter. It’s had ups and downs and I do not regret the choices I’ve made. Trusting yourself is often easier said than done. We are taught from a very young age, especially women, to seek approval outside of ourselves. From how we look to the dreams we pursue, to what’s right for our body and mental health. Building the ability to trust ourselves is the best gift we can give ourselves. It allows us to listen to input from others without taking it as THE answer. It allows us to adjust and course correct when we need to. It allows us to create the path that feels good to us, one that is not a cookie cutter of someone else’s version of a life well lived but our own version. In January I make a plan for the year, a loose one with small amounts of structure because that’s what works for me. In July I revisit it to see where I am and what needs to be adjusted or scrapped. I like the reminder that plans are a good guidepost but not the end all be all. Trusting that I can follow my intuition and create what I seek is a little scary (what if I do it wrong, or mess up or never get there…damn inner critic)
One of my goals was to write more regularly, fiction in particular. I got a late start not really sticking with a schedule until March, but I’m calling it a win because I have been very consistent since then. I’ve taken a few craft classes on writing techniques and found a system that has helped me with structure/plot. I’ve started blending some of my mind-body practices into my writing practice and it’s helped ease that inner critic. I’ve scrapped one goal, it’s no longer a fit and adjusted the others. I can feel the energy of what I’m creating and that’s important to me. It’s a freedom to choose based on what lights me up and feels like a good fit. This year has already been one filled with change and loss and it’s looking like there will be more to come. Trusting myself to make choices aligned with my values and desires helps me navigate all of it. It also helps to ease fears and indecision when they pop up. How can you lean into trusting yourself to give yourself the freedom to create what you desire? I would love to hear from you just reply to this email and let me know Cathy
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