When we think of change, it’s often in the form of before and after, like a home improvement show where the kitchen gets gutted and a completely new kitchen is installed.

In reality, changes are much more fluid there’s a lot of back-and-forth (about a million baby steps or so it seems) the proverbial three steps forward, and two steps back does get you there eventually. Leaning into your innate skills can help pave the way to a smoother road to change, big or small.

We all have things that are innate to us, skills so second nature we don’t even think about them. When we learn something new, there are four phases that we move through. If we continue to practice, we move through those phases.

Starting at unconscious incompetence, where we don’t know what we don’t know, and moving to conscious incompetence, where you know that there’s something you want to learn but have not yet learned it.

The third phase is conscious competence, where you’ve now mastered the skill. Still, you have to think about it in order to complete it, and finally, unconscious competence, where the skill is automatic, becomes an innate action, something you don’t even have to think about.

Those things we don’t even think about can often ease the way during change.

Oftentimes, I get asked what tools I use to balance my energy or align with a new goal. Initially, I shrug my shoulders as it just seems to happen, yet when I slow down and think about it, there are things that I do.

Techniques I employ, tools I use that create a foundation for my day, a change or any speed bump that comes my way. These are things that I do automatically. We all have those things that don’t take a lot of thought or bandwidth, things you’ve wholly internalized.

What are those things for you?

I have a very fluid, energetic hygiene process I lean in and listen to what my body, mind, and spirit need each day, which determines the elements of the energetic hygiene I use.

When I want to make a change, I take the time to align myself with that change before I take any action.

I don’t think about these things I just do them until somebody asks, and then I stop and think about it.

Taking a few minutes to identify these unconscious competency areas for yourself can help you lean into the more consciously do you organize new information in a specific way? Maybe you connect emotionally with a situation or perhaps tune in to what your body needs in that moment.

These are your superpowers; celebrate them and lean into them. Remember that at one point, you started at the unconscious incompetence phase, and you took small, consistent steps to integrate those skills into your life until they became unconscious competence, AKA your superpower.

I’m curious what your superpower is, drop me a note and let me know

P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​