Monday morning I was hobbling down my stairs like a hundred and forty-year-old awakening after a month-long slumber. I knew it was a bad idea to try to push through it. I’m always telling clients to “Be gentle with yourself” and “Listen to your body,” and I often forget my own advice.

Spring is in full swing here. I was clearing out some space for a raised bed this weekend and overdid it.

I slowed down and listened. Slowing down in a world where hustle is the name of the game is a challenge, but here’s why it’s important.

The physical body is energetically the lowest frequency of all of the layers of our biofield. That’s not a bad thing, it’s why it has a solid form. It also means when something shows up in the physical body an ache, a symptom, or a circumstance tuning in to listen will often provide the most expedient route to healing because it homes in on all levels. (sadly, this does not always equate to fast)

My focus is usually on the mental or energetic body. My best friend, Allison, is exceptional at listening to her body. She’s taught me a lot about the power of tuning in. Watching her lean in listen and respond, has been an inspiration and she has gathered a unique healing team to support her.

For many of us, we’re so used to others telling us what the right thing to do is that we accept it without questioning, but the truth is the best answers come from inside whether that’s a decision, a desire, a need, or some healing.

That’s not to say we all don’t need a little bit of help from time to time or a lot of help sometimes. Tuning in offers the ability to discern what the best option is for you in this moment of time.

There are a number of ways to lean in and listen to your body.

I’ve talked in the past about muscle testing or kinesiology(it’s this months deep dive technique so if you missed it no worries) and that can be a really valuable tool.

One of my favorite and perhaps the easiest is a simple dialogue with your body. It takes a little bit of practice to learn to trust the information you receive.

Just close your eyes take a couple of nice deep breaths and bring your attention to whatever it is that’s bothering you. Notice the sensations in your body and any information that arises.

In my case I was feeling pain in my knee so I focus my attention there soon I realized that it was not my knee. I followed the energy it was my hip. I asked what it needed -much to my dismay rest was top of the list. I also did an ice pack and then a hot pack in the evening.

I’m happy to say that today my hip is slightly sore but my knee feels great and I’m able to walk around and do my normal daily tasks,

Had not tuned into listen to my body I would’ve treated my knee and that’s not where the issue was. My healing would have been delayed.

What is something you’ve learned when you’ve tuned into your body?

I love to hear from you I’m here for it. Just hit respond.

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​

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