
It’s been an interesting week with lots of changes and shifting for me personally as well as clients and friends, there must be something in the air. My tendency is to look for a silver lining. It’s a natural disposition and I know that for many it takes a little while to get to that place, so I try to let those around me come to their own silver lining in their own time….I’m not always successful but most of the time I am.

Are you a natural optimist or does it take you some time to reassess and find it?

I finished up an informal research project in April. I had 12 participants who received 6 weeks of energy healing, my personal blend called WebWork, from me for a specific issue. We started by exploring the issue and session an intention for the healing work. This was followed by one 15 minute remote healing session per week for 6 weeks.

During the session, participants were asked to state their intention and sit quietly. A text was sent stating the session was beginning and another was sent upon completion with any relevant information that came up during the session. Participants filled out a questionnaire pre and post-session and the data was tracked over the six weeks. The snapshot of the results is below.

Topics addressed

  • 3 worked on physical symptoms with an overall 63 % improvement in symptoms
  • 3 worked on emotional/relational concerns with an overall 51% improvement
  • 4 worked on next chapter/purpose with an overall 58% improvement
  • 1 worked on self-awareness/intuition with a 76% improvement
  • 1 worked on ancestral patterns with a 44% improvement

Participants had a variety of responses to what they felt during the sessions the most common sensations reported were a profound sense of peace, tingling or warmth, and a sense of connection.

I have been doing this work for many years for my private clients with excellent results but have never quantified it. There are a number of research studies published showing positive results with various remote healing methods. Though the research was informal I’m exploring ways to create a more formal scientific approach.

Based on the results I will be including individual WebWork sessions in the group coaching program that I’m running in June. This will be a beta group using a combination of energy work, coaching, and mind-body techniques designed to help participants assess the six major areas of their life, create and implement a plan to move past fear and implement sustainable change. If you’re interested click here for the early notification and discount.

Cathy Gatto Brennan