
Hi Reader,

I was talking with a friend and fellow healer this past week as I walked the beach. We got to talking about how many of the alternative health and New Age communities have an either/or mentality. As if there were one right way to do things…I don’t subscribe to that. We are all connected AND we are all unique which means there are many ways to arrive at the destination you desire.

I’ve been flirting with the New Age community for 30 years. I say flirting because I never fully engage. There’s something that has me holding it at arm’s length. There’s the element of ‘you’re not the boss of me’ that runs freely through my veins, mixed of course with a little(okay a lot) of skepticism about the woo-woo practices.

But and this is a big but there is validity in many of the practices. We all have a human biofield and it is influenced by thoughts and beliefs, in the most simplistic form take a look at an EEG. Recent research on mindfulness and meditation documents the physical and psychological benefits of both. And there’s a lot we don’t yet know.

That’s not my objection. My objection is the tendency for some(not all) practices to encourage the participant to bypass their own judgment. That this particular woo practice is the end all be all, answer to all of your ills, but you must follow blindly the path of whoever is leading you to this nirvana.

This collection of traits, my friend, feels a little bit culty to me.

We all need to judge for ourselves what feels right or is a fit for our situation. (the trust in inner wisdom we talked about last week) We can’t do that when we are told our opinion doesn’t matter or that it’s just resistance to change, as if there were only one true way.

Change is hard and it can be scary, that’s normal. Uncertainty is not a pleasant place to be.

It’s easy to give our power away when we feel uncertain or afraid. I would argue that that’s the moment when we need to lean in to our own discernment. Check for any red flags and go within to hear our own truth for the situation. It might feel strange at first but with practice there will come a sense of certainty.

  • The tensing of your shoulders in response to stress.
  • The flutter in your belly when you make a decision that’s true for you.
  • The recurring headache when you’re feeling pressured to do something.
  • The urge to pull back when things are moving too fast.

We all have these cues. The more we lean in and trust them the easier it is to recognize them. And the easier it becomes to trust them.

Questions? drop me a note

I would love to hear your experiences with discerning truth for yourself.

Be Well,



P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~Realignment series topic specific pre-recordered mini classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal.

~ Clarity Sessions will be back in June this is the only way to access Webwork my energy healing process more info next week

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full