
Hi Reader,

I hope your week is going well. It’s Labor Day weekend here in the States, the unofficial step into Autumn.

As we shift gears into a new season I thought I would share a breathing technique and 3 books I read this month (I love to read but I do also listen to books on audible so will note when that is the case). I hope you carve out a little space for yourself this weekend to relax.

The breath and the state of the mind are intricately linked. You can control your mind by controlling your breath. Most of us breathe very shallow breaths and take between 15 and 24 breaths per minute.

When you want to calm down, paying attention to your breath is the first step. Notice how you’re breathing – are you inhaling and exhaling through your mouth or nose? How far down are you breathing? Do you breathe in the belly, chest or neck? What’s the pace of your breathing?

Kundalini yoga links the breath with a mantra. The most basic mantra is SAT NAM. (pronounced like “sut nom”) SAT means the truth. NAM means name, identity, to identify with, or to call upon. SAT NAM can be translated as “Truth is my identity.” Your goal is to mentally link SAT to every inhale and NAM to every exhale.

In this way, the breath and the mantra work together to calm you and connect you to your true identity. After practicing the following meditation, you’ll notice that it will be easier to link SAT to your inhale and NAM to your exhale.

SAT NAM has the power to shift the subconscious mind so that old wounds and programs are disrupted. Mantras use universal sound currents to create a pattern interrupt allowing you the space to recalibrate.

This breathwork neutralizes tension and brings you to a very peaceful state. It’s good to do if you feel overwhelmed or have too much intense energy in your body, you can also do it before you go to bed to help you sleep.

SAT NAM Breathwork

The simplest and most basic meditation in Kundalini yoga is chanting long SAT NAM’s. Pairing the chant with the breath. The chant does not need to be loud but does need to be audible.

  • Sit with a straight spine, in your preferred meditation posture, or in a chair with the feet on the floor, sit bones carrying the weight of the body.
  • Bring one hand to the heart, and one hand to the solar plexus palms facing the chest; arms are relaxed on the body.
  • Eyes are closed or gaze soft on an object in the distance.
  • Inhale with a long deep breath slowly chant SAT. On the exhale chant NAM. The sound SAT is the releaser. The sound of NAM is like the anchor. Feel the sound anchor you in your body. Let yourself release and relax with the AAAAAAA sound of each chant.
  • Feel the sound of the SAT come from the solar plexus and the NAM come from your heart. This practice will help you move the energy in the third(solar plexus) and fourth (heart) chakras.
  • At the end of the meditation, inhale deeply; hold your breath for a count of 4. Listen to the wisdom of your body.
  • Do this 3 times. Then sit quietly or lie down and completely relax.

Books On My Nightstand Last Month📚

Mindset – The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

I loved this book; it was easy to read with lots of real-life stories and practical applications of the information. The two mindsets the author talks about are the fixed and growth mindsets and she shows how they influence everyday life. I particularly liked the parenting section, even though my kids are all grown.

Beach Read by Emily Henry

This lighthearted rom-com was a nice break from the stress of the day. It tells the story of two writers who find themselves living next door in a small beach community. The adventures that ensue provide for an entertaining and engaging read.

Outlive by Peter Attia M.D (this was an audible “read”)

The author explores the concept of lifespan and healthspan and how we can contribute to both in a meaningful way. There are some scientific sections that may not appeal to everyone, that being said they were presented in a user-friendly way. The author discusses the weak spots in Western medicine and how to mitigate them, particularly around chronic illness. I’m all for a healthier more vibrant life and the idea of living at full capacity into my later decades is appealing.

That’s it for this week. If you have book suggestions drop me a note or post on social media, I’m always looking for a good read.

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for more articles, visit me over at Medium

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~~Realignment series topic-specific pre-recorded mini-classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal. Inner Wisdom Alignment Bundle

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full