5 Deceptively Simple Practices That Cut Through Self Doubt and Second Guessing
Even if you want it, change is full of self-doubt and second-guessing. It doesn't have to be. After coaching hundreds of women through career, relationship, health, and financial shifts, I have seen 5 key components emerge. The time and energy it takes to navigate...
I Quit – Alignment With What Matters Most
Quitting can be a way to get in alignment with who you are now and where you want to go. It can be a recalibration to what truly matters for you. We are in the midst of the Great Resignation. Many people have had enough and are calling it quits. When you’re in...
Dying and The Art of Living
She said “it was a life well lived” the smile on her face was genuine, filled with joy, despite the pain that I knew was running through what was left of her body. This simple statement from a 37-year-old woman with 2 young children, a husband who adored her, a...
Body Triggers: An energy healing early warning system
I stopped for coffee last week and witnessed a grown man have essentially a temper tantrum because they did not have almond milk. He spewed profanities, stomped his foot, and slammed his hand on the counter. The barista stayed calm and did her best to diffuse the...
New Habits: Disrupt the Status Quo by Doing This
August was an experiment. I’ve been wanting to create a habit to spend more time writing and I’m having difficulty actually fitting it into my day. Each week I jot in a loose schedule in my calendar (I don’t do well with too much structure) of what I want to complete...
3 Tools to Overcome Uncertainty
A friend recently asked me what my process was for making all of the significant changes in my life over the past several years. (For those who are newer here, I left everything I knew moved 3,000 miles to a city where I knew no one, split with my husband of 26 years,...
Healing Arts: Managing Pain With Light Therapy and Therapeutic Touch
Managing Pain With Light Therapy and Therapeutic Touch Cathy Gatto Brennan July 29, 2018 Abstract Pain management is receiving renewed attention in light of the negative side effects of opiods that are currently the treatment of choice for pain management. A search...
Biofield Therapy and the Human Brain
by Cathy Gatto Brennan Abstract Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years in eastern cultures. It has been gaining popularity in the United States in recent years. In this paper I take a look at the use of traditional Chinese Medicine in...
Fill Your Cup: Ideas for Self Care
I like to measure things maybe it’s my inner analytical scientist or maybe it helps satisfy my curiosity of how something brings change, but all of my client work and a lot of my personal work starts with an assessment followed by ideas for self-care. I do know that...
Mindset Matters?
A woman is sitting in an outdoor café, a light breeze ruffles her hair, the sun warms her shoulders, and she’s enjoying watching the people as they go by. The waitress approaches and asks her what she would like to order. The woman’s forehead furrows, her foot begins...
1 Thing Needed When You Change Your Life
I thought to myself, you need to change your life. I had lost my spark, days seemed to blend together. I was actively trying to convince myself that everything was fine. There was that word though, the one that says it all - ‘fine’. The code word for I’m not really...
3 Mind-Body Tips to Move through Procrastination
Today I’ve walked the beach, worked with 3 clients, worked on a puzzle (it’s what I do when I’m sorting things out), responded to email and a bunch of other small tasks including cleaning out the junk drawer. It sounds like a full day and it was except today was my...