
Hi Reader,

I had some unexpected free time this weekend. While I was hoping to enjoy some sunshine and write for a bit, the June Gloom chased me inside. Which led me into the garage and some painting. It’s been a couple of months since I played with paint, and it felt great. It was a great reminder to slow down and listen. It brought to mind a time when I did not listen to my inner wisdom.

It was ten pm on a Thursday. I got a call from my boss, Ruth telling me I had to go to Boston and cover a charge nurse who had called out sick. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive after having already worked a ten-hour day to do a job I had not done in over twelve years, but I was the only one that had a Massachusetts nursing license.

I went and worked the shift.

I had only been at the job for six months. In those six months, I had been lied to – many times. There had been too many nights to count that I had mandatory meetings – which amounted to eating expensive food and drinking with the management team. I had recently started saying no, going home instead. The teams I managed were being asked to do more with less again and again.

I was working as a regional clinical specialist, a nurse ensuring healthcare facilities follow the regulations. A former colleague called and offered me a position at a new company. I declined a couple of times.

I had a bad feeling.

She was persistent and offered me more flexibility than my current job as well as a pay increase.

Every time I thought of the job, I felt claustrophobic and had a low-grade headache.

When she sweetened the offer with a 32 hr work week and flexibility in my hours, I accepted.

Have you ever done that?

Gotten a clear sign that a choice was wrong and still moved forward or didn’t take action when you knew it was the right thing?

I did some mental gymnastics trying to convince myself that it was because I felt bad leaving my old job and that I was being dramatic. If you know me, you know that’s the farthest thing from the truth, yet there I was.

I convinced myself that it was my imagination and just a coincidence that the headache came when I thought about the new job.

Leaning in and trusting inner wisdom can be hard. It’s seemingly simple, yet we’re so conditioned to look outside ourselves for validation that we second-guess it and often ignore it. Making life harder for ourselves.

And that job from hell, the 32-hour work week was easily 70 hours. Corporate greed and extravagance went against all of my values. The way the company treated its employees had me in tears several times a week.

That day driving home, I decided to give a month’s notice and find another job. About ten minutes from home, Ruth called, irritated that I was late for the regional meeting.

Her call tipped the scale. I did something I had never done in my life.

I quit.

No notice.

I was DONE.

She wheedled and cajoled. Promised the stars and the moon. Then threatened my license.

I stood my ground, never went back, and promised myself I would listen to those messages from my inner wisdom.

It takes practice.

It takes a conscious plan.

And a few good people who can remind you when you get your wires crossed and second guess yourself.

If you need a little help, the new Inner Wisdom Conscious Energy Realignment Bundle is 25% off through next Sunday, 6/18; the link above will automatically make the deduction.

Be Well,


P.S. That link again is Inner Wisdom Realignment​

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~Realignment series topic-specific pre-recordered mini-classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal.

~ Clarity Sessions will be back in June this is the only way to access Webwork my energy healing process more info next week

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full