
Hi Reader,

I was chatting with my friend Allison this morning about healing and the often layered process it is. She has an amazing ability to tune in to her body and listen deeply. Sometimes this is not a quick or easy path but she shows up and does it.

Honestly, I have never met anyone who does this as beautifully as she does. She also follows through with what her body is needing for healing. There is a discipline in her ability to tune in and listen deeply one that’s not about ticking boxes off a list or cramming another thing into a day. It’s about honoring who she is as a person on a very core level.

We live in a culture of hustle. Where we are measured by how productive we are; how much stuff we get done in a day. There is a sense of pride or at the very least a sense of accomplishment when we work 40,50, or even 60 hours a week. We fill our days with endless to-do lists and don’t feel good unless we have the discipline to tick items off that list.

Even when we try to take time for ourselves it’s a productive style of “self-care” exercise or a beauty ritual to fend off our aging process. At the end of the day when it’s time to rest and recuperate our brains can’t shut off often racing and working out the problems real or imagined of the day.

It’s no wonder that chronic illness and autoimmune disease are at all-time highs. It’s time to shift our mindset around what success is, what discipline looks like(hint it’s not only about pushing through something unpleasant), and how much downtime is truly needed for conscious wellness.

In order to do that we need to rewire our thought process, our brain if you will. We are wired to take the path of least resistance so a belief system or thought pattern that we have had, consciously or subconsciously, is highly likely to drive our behavior.

Shifting that pattern takes time. The pattern needs to be replaced. One of the ways I find effective for this is guided visualization. Listening to the words in a relaxed state help lay new pathways in your brain allowing for a mindset reset.

Living in a state of hustle affects everything including your energy field. There are a number of ways to calm your energy and nervous system. One of the simplest ways is this simple exercise that soothes the vagus nerve, activates several acupressure points and smooths the flow of energy in your body.

~Take your hands and wrap them around your neck just under the jaw with fingers meeting at the back of the neck.

~Apply gentle pressure for two breaths.

~On the third breath move your fingers along your skull rubbing in a circular pattern continuing along your jawline to your chin.

~Finish by placing two fingers on the throat chakra and two fingers on the third eye chakra and take a deep breath.

How do you slow it down and be more mindful? Hit reply and let me know I would love to hear how this works for you.

Be Well,



P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~Realignment series topic specific pre-recordered mini classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal.

~ Live workshop this Fall

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full