
For those of you in the States, I hope you had a warm and nourishing Thanksgiving. We had a lovely meal with dear friends and, on Friday, started decorating for Christmas. I love all the pretty decorations, especially the tree. πŸŽ„

No matter where you are in the world, I hope that you take a moment today to connect with all the things that fill you up and make you smile.

Here is a short gratitude poem and a heartfelt thank you for being a blessing in my life.

Grateful Am I

Honoring, Appreciative, Joyful, and Reverent


for personal growth and expansion,

for laughter and for tears, both symbols that emotion is alive and well within me,

for the deep soul-full connection with family and friends,

for the solid sense of who I am,

for the excitement of writing fiction,

for the intellectual and creative interaction with my colleagues,

for the beautiful ocean and beach that nourish me regularly,

for the crazy completely “get you and got your back” support and honest feedback from my friends,

for the love, big dreams, and kinship that are fostered in my connections,

for the opportunities to share my gifts and give back to my community,

for easy access to fresh local food,

for travel and exploration,

for the experience of a new decade – level 6 here I come,

for the dolphins that play offshore, reminding me to play more,

for the sunshine that warms me when I step outside,

for my clients who inspire and teach me and allow me to share my gifts thoroughly,

for love and unconditional acceptance,

for my connection with each of my children,

for who I am, who I have been, and who I am becoming,

and for You and all that you contribute to this magnificent dance we call life

Grateful Am I

Please remember to honor yourself in your gratitude. YOU matter….a great deal. Hit reply and share something you’re grateful for.


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