
As we close out 2020 I’m pondering the energy of the new year and what I want to consciously create. I have a year-end ritual to clear out the old energy and make space for the new followed by a ritual to call in the qualities I’m wanting in the new year.

A brand-new year full of possibility and hope. Amidst all of the turmoil in the world it can feel frivolous or less of a priority but taking a few minutes to release what’s not working and prepare the soil for what you want to plant is well worth the effort.

Each year I choose a word to help anchor and move me forward. I write it in a couple of places to keep it top of mind. It helps remind me that get to choose what I create.

This years word is ‘vibrant’ – I often wait to be invited, to a social event, a conversation, a group, or a myriad of other situations. I’m realizing that does not serve me or those I am engaging with. My holding back and waiting, while sometimes is appropriate is often fear-based and it’s time to move through the fear and claim my place at the table.

Are there areas in your life that don’t fit for you any more yet you hold on? Has 2020 highlighted areas that you want to change? What could shift if you moved past your fears?

I guess I am going to find out and I’m eager to see what 2021 has in store. How about you?

How can we maximize the energy of possibility, positive change, and dreams to reality that the new year ushers in? Studies show that those who set goals are more likely to achieve them. Only 45% of us set new years resolutions and those that do are highly likely to abandon them within a month.

The dreams we dream, the things we want, and the goals we set all have a common thread, we believe that in the achieving/having of them we will feel better. You get to define what ‘better’ is. Our natural state of being is happiness and we are continually seeking to reclaim more of it in our lives. When we are aligned with our source energy things unfold in almost magical ways. Problems still pop up but solutions are quick to follow.

So why do we so often side-step our own happiness? We set huge goals without intermediate steps or don’t set goals at all and wonder where the time went. If we perceive a mistake and we use it to beat ourselves up using it as proof, it just wasn’t meant to be. We ignore a core component of life – our energy – something that can help pave the way with small investments of time.

What if instead, you were to have a benchmark, a guiding light to help you move forward and celebrate your progress rather than magnifying the bumps.

That’s why I choose a word for the year to remind me of the core intention that my dreams and goals are supporting. From there the inspired actions to move me toward my dreams and goals bubble up.

It clarifies why I’m reaching for the dream and reminds me to savor the victories big and small, fallow periods (remember that lifelike music, needs the space of quiet between the notes to create a melody), and the challenges along the way.

Conscious Creation Intention Process

Light a candle, grab your favorite beverage, a pen, and paper, and gift yourself an hour(alright 30 minutes if it’s all you can spare). I like to start the process then come back to it in a few hours or the next day to let it marinate.

Make 3 columns on your paper and label them as follows

1. Things I love and want more of
2. Things I don’t like and want less of
3. How I want to feel

Now list as much as you can think of. Then look at your lists and jot down words that embody what you want to feel and have.

Here is part of mine that helped me land on Vibrant-

Things I love and want more of
• Walks on the beach • Connecting with family and friends • Travel – experiencing different perspectives • Great conversations • Engaging in Coaching/teaching • Learning new things • Being inflow

Things I don’t like and want less of

• Emotional drama • Over giving • People pleasing • Swollen feet • Sitting for long periods of time

How I want to feel

• Open • Connected • Vibrant • Inspired • Expansive • Useful

I would love to hear what you chose for your word. Drop me an email or post in the Facebook group.

From My Inspired Soul to Yours,


P.S. If you aren’t in the Conscious Creation Facebook group you can join us here