
Time, Structure & Conscious Creating


I’m adjusting to the shorter days and settling into a fall routine, even though it’s still pretty warm here on the west coast. How about you? Does your routine change with the seasons?

Last month I started getting up at 5 am to write. I love the quiet world still snuggled into the night. It also makes me feel good to do something I love first thing in the morning.


How you start your day, what you choose to spend your time on and what you focus your attention on directly affects how you experience life. Time is one of our most precious resources.

I tend to be spontaneous and also a bit impatient. Structure used to represent restriction and a clipping of my wings. I have a health respect for structure now. A well-crafted plan helps me consciously choose where to spend my time and attention, it actually enhances my ability to be spontaneous. A business has many moving parts and keeping track of all that needs to get done can be a challenge.


The moments that seem so simple like watching your newborn sleep, playing Legos with your son, afternoon snacks with your daughter, a chat with your sister are the ones you cherish later remembering to savor them by being mindful and fully present for them can be challenging when you feel crunched for time.

Time bedazzles you with the illusion of infinity, the certainty of more until there isn’t any more. This year has certainly brought that point to the forefront.

Time is the structure for life – we only have on average in 85 years (give or take) in this body there is so much to do, see, and experience.

The simple task of writing your ‘to do’ list and realizing there are more tasks than hours in a day – if you’re like me more tasks than hours in 3 days – can feel so overwhelming.


A quick trick my coach taught me years ago is when you’re working on a project double the time you think it will take. It’s hard to do but, it does give you a win quickly and helps with forward momentum. It also decreases stress related to being behind.

Another tip that I teach my clients is to create bookends to your day a sequence of 3 – 5 habits that signal the start and end of each day. One of the items being a form of energetic hygiene.



Here’s a sample my am habits:

  • Set intentions for the day
  • Meditate
  • Write
  • Shower
  • Walk Jake


I would love to hear how you manage time. Do you have a tip or habit that helps? Comment below and let me know.



Be Well,




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