

Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner – An easy read exploring the on again – off a again friendship of two high school friends. The book explores the power dynamic between the friends and how it shifts over time. Mix in a murder and sprinkle in some intrigue you have an enjoyable read that most can relate to.




The Body is not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor – I love this book! The writing is so beautiful, that alone makes me want to keep reading but the content is powerful. The author explores the concept of radical self-love and what that looks like. She dives into body shame and shows how to embrace our differentness rather than use it to divide us. I loved the distinction between body positivity and radical self-love. Each chapter has self-inquiry questions, many of which I will be returning to knowing this is not a once and done process.





The last selection is a podcast I listen to Unlocking Us with Brene Brown. I love to listen to podcasts when I walk my dog Jake, drive, or am cleaning the house. This one is one of my favorites. Brene’s straight shooting, intelligent yet vulnerable style is engaging. She covers a range of topics many related to her primary research focus of shame.



Be Well, 


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