
Last week we explored the scarcity mindset and how it can sneakily hold you back. This week lets take a look at an abundance mindset. Do you have an area of life that seems to flow more smoothly than others? There is likely a subconscious belief system of abundance running in the background that gives you a nice boost.

Mindset is the collaboration of thoughts, beliefs and opinions that have been passed down to us or learned through our own experience. It’s the driving force behind our action or inaction and our perception of our experiences.

We all hold an energetic blueprint of our mindset. As you shift an aspect of your mindset, beliefs, thoughts, or opinions initially the energetic blueprint continues to hold the energy for the old mindset and the tendency is to move back toward the known blueprint. This is why when we make changes it’s important to address the energetic component.

Let’s dig into the key differences between abundance and scarcity and see how they both impact your success.

Here are a few abundance mindset indicators that you can foster and notice when they show up for you.

There is Enough – An abundant mindset revolves around the idea that there is plenty for everyone. Money, Time, Resources, Love, Opportunity, Success – it’s all out there, ready and waiting for you (and everyone else). how and what you focus on is up to you.

Change is Constant – Change is necessary for growth and looking for opportunities to step outside your comfort zone and embrace new experiences will help you grow. Failure as an opportunity to learn what isn’t working so you can try something else that does. Instead of giving up when you hit a speed bump, adjust and course correct.

You’re Happy for Others – Rather than being threatened by another’s good fortune, you’re genuinely happy and supportive of someone else’s success. You enjoy seeing others receive abundance in their life because you know there is more than enough to go around.

Positive Attitude – You see possibilities in your life and choose to have a positive outlook despite life’s ups and downs. This doesn’t mean you don’t get disappointed or frustrated. It means you’re able to move forward despite your circumstances and focus more on what’s working and going well for you rather than what’s not.

Gratitude – A huge part of an abundance mindset is having gratitude woven throughout your life. When you have a grateful heart it’s easier to notice even the smallest blessings. You’ll tend to focus more on what you have than what you lack and always find something to be thankful for.(this boost your vibration too!) Hand in hand with this is appreciation. Appreciating all the little things that are


Be Well,


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