
I fiddled with the camera wishing it would somehow auto adjust itself, reluctantly connecting to the call. Being on camera video or photo makes me squirmy but the connection with fellow business owners is valuable. I recently joined a group of solo business owners. We meet twice a month via Zoom to brainstorm and offer support to each other, being a solopreneur can be a bit isolating in normal times in pandemic times it’s magnified by ten.


This session a teacher from the East Coast asked for suggestions to support the growth she was experiencing in her business, she offers resources for teaching online, and was in hot demand. She was struggling because her business which she started so she could have more autonomy and freedom was consuming all of her waking hours and she did not want this to become her new normal.



They were some helpful suggestions around automating some of her processes, hiring a virtual assistant and setting stronger boundaries soon the conversation turned to the topic of creating a new normal in the midst of this uncertain time. As we talked, I noticed while it looked very different for each of us there were some common threads. I thought I would share them with you in case you needed a loose roadmap as we move forward.


Stay Flexible – as things shift and change being able to adjust on the fly helps decrease stress. One member who really likes structure had outlined a few possible scenarios so he had a Plan A, a Plan B and a Plan C. This can help to regain a sense of control, especially with so many unknowns.



Be Curious – by looking at the potential upside of something you can see an opportunity that you might have missed. It also helps keep things in perspective. It can be overwhelming to have so many changes and disruptions in our sense of security. Using a curious mindset helps shift your vibration so you don’t’ get as tangled up in the overwhelm. It can also help you connect with your desires. It may just be the perfect time to chase those dreams.


Be kind – to yourself and others. Simple acts of kindness a thank you, a note of appreciation, accepting your feelings and giving yourself the space to process them, taking a few minutes to sip your tea and daydream. It’s easy to forget to be kind especially to yourself. This is the time to drop any perfectionism…it’s a messy time filled with imperfection embrace it.


Have Some Fun – doing things to boost your mood silly things like blowing bubbles, dancing around the house or watching a funny movie can help decrease your stress hormones and make it easier to sort through your thoughts. Finding creative ways to share a talent or engage socially is a fun way to shift your focus. The bonus with having fun is it will lower stress levels and help boost your immune system.


I would add practicing good energetic hygiene to keep your energy clear and flowing strong is critical. I’ve been weaving in intentions for flexibility and curiosity during my morning energetic hygiene and it’s been helpful.


Creating a new normal when there is still so much uncertainty isn’t easy or permanent. There are often more questions than answers. You can set the stage for moving forward and provide some stability through the changes. How are you adjusting to all of the changes going on?



Be Well,




PS. Are we connected on Facebook or Instagram? Click through to connect I would love to get to
know you better.