
​As we begin resuming our regular activities you may find yourself having some seemingly unrelated symptoms like Terri did. A colleague, Terri was recently commenting that she was having headaches, feeling short-tempered and very tired for no obvious reason. She was in her normal daily routine and sleep cycle and didn’t perceive any new stress. When I asked if she had been affected by the pandemic or the protests her response was ‘Of course, everything is so disrupted but I wasn’t directly affected’.We talked about the ability of the human biofield to store experiences and how that can affect our physical and emotional well-being.

Our cells communicate with each other even at great distances. Dr. Cleve Baxter took a DNA sample from a man’s mouth and brought the sample to another lab hundreds of miles away. They then manipulated the donor’s emotions through various visual cues while observing the DNA’s response with sophisticated equipment. They discovered that the DNA in the distant lab responded and reacted simultaneously with the donor to the emotional triggers. There was no time lag and the reaction was identical.

Your body has the ability to communicate with the subtle energy field that surrounds and permeates all things. This subtle energy field communicates in micro vibrations that we cannot see and do not fully understand. We can consciously access this subtle energy in numerous ways.

It’s a good idea to have a regular energetic hygiene practice; it helps to create resilience physically, emotionally, and energetically. When you have a period of increased stress, particularly if it lasts more than a day or two this energy is stored first in the biofield then is communicated to the emotional and physical states. Our current collective experience has a lot of fear, uncertainty, and divisiveness this has an impact on our biofield which only amplifies your personal experiences. Clearing our energy becomes more important.

I shared some breathing exercises and a chakra clearing with Terri. When I saw her a couple of weeks later she still needed a little extra sleep but the headaches and short temper had resolved. She shared she felt clearer and had done some of the breathing with her husband last night because he had a rough day.

There are hundreds of ways to clear your energy and boost resilience. I teach a number of them and share info on social media (see below for links)These are stressful times but also times of great hope and opportunity for growth I recommend that you’re gentle with yourself and practice good self-care, including energetic hygiene. Do you have an energy clearing that you use?


Be Well,


P.S. You can get the free chakra clearing meditation here  and follow me on Instagram where I share tips for energetic hygiene