
I woke up at 4:42 a.m. one day last week. Much as I tried to will myself back to sleep, my body was having none of it. My mind is a busy place, and that day was no different. I began thinking about some changes I’m making in my business, the book I’m working on, and a new project; lo and behold, some self-doubt crept in. (Funny how those wee hours when thoughts ping-pong around your brain sprout self-doubt!)

I decided to do some chakra clearing and paid particular attention to the solar plexus chakra. It helped me tap into my confidence and cleared out (most of) the self-doubt. I thought it would be a good topic for today’s newsletter.

A heads-up for those of you who are detail-oriented – I’m testing out different send times for the newsletter so the schedule for the next month will be a little different​​


The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra or Manipura. It’s located below the rib cage at the solar plexus below the sternum. This chakra is where your personal power resides. It’s where parental and societal messages are held. This is the center where you balance your personal power, neither giving it away nor exerting it over others. The third chakra is where you answer the question, ‘Who am I?’ This is the energy that fuels how you present yourself to the world. The essence of this chakra is about confidence, self-esteem, ego, and personality.

Feelings and Emotions:

The solar plexus chakra is focused on self-identity, who you are, and how you present yourself to others. When we connect with the power of this chakra, you easily move forward with enthusiasm and commitment. This is where you hold your personal vision and the clarity needed to guide you toward creating it.

It is with this energy that you are able to keep the ego in check, using it to function in everyday life yet not allowing the ego to run the show. This chakra is where your confidence and self-esteem flow from. It is here that we work to blend the internal and external influences in our lives.

A well-balanced solar plexus chakra presents as a happy, self-respecting, vital, and flexible state of being. There is a strong sense of personal power, healthy patterns of behavior, and the ability to engage with others in a confident yet approachable manner. This is the mood center that helps to form our personality.

Blocks in the Solar Plexus Chakra can result in:

Persistent Thoughts of:

· Being less than

· Dissatisfaction

· Powerlessness

· Superiority

· Hiding or blending in

Patterns of Behavior:

· Self-sabotage

· Inability to stand up for self

· Inflexibility

· Judging others

· Aggression

In many cases, an underactive solar plexus chakra can manifest as timidity, aloofness(the cold fish), a passive or indecisive manner, self-isolation, and a feeling of being deprived or invisible.

The overactive solar plexus chakra can manifest as aggressive, judgmental of self and/or others, and/or domineering behavior. An example would be the person who always has to be right. It can also be exhibited as stubbornness, criticality, a love of power, and an inability to feel satisfied.

Physical: The solar plexus chakra balances the liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, kidneys, and adrenal glands. Some of the physical symptoms associated with the solar plexus chakra are:

· Digestive issues

· Food Allergies

· Nervousness

· Diabetes

· Stomach ulcers

· Liver Problems

· Kidney problems

· Fatigue

Activities to Activate the Solar Plexus Chakra:

· Mind Puzzles

· Getting some sunshine

· Learning something new

· Books that are thought-provoking or perception-shifting

Realigning and Cleansing:

If you are experiencing difficulty in any of these areas,, focusing on the solar plexus chakra with your breath and some extra cleansing may be valuable (in conjunction with your current plan) to get the energy moving.

When you breathe into the solar plexus chakra, visualize yellow light infusing the chakra and gently move it, either with your hand or by visualizing it, counterclockwise then clockwise. Adding one or more of the following affirmation:

· My doubts and fears about my personal power and control are dissolving. I completely release them with ease and grace.

· I am free to step into my power in a healthy, uplifting way. It is safe for me to shine my light for all to see.

· There is a harmonious flow of power, confidence, and self-esteem in my life

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

· Am I having difficulty focusing and concentrating?

· Do I have difficulty making decisions?

· Am I overly concerned with what others think?

· Do I believe that ‘to get the job done’ I must do it myself?

If you answered yes to any of the questions, you may have sluggish energy or a block in the solar plexus chakra. You can cleanse and realign the energy in your solar plexus chakra by doing the cleansing above or any activity that feels right to you. You may want to change the affirmations using the language you used when answering the questions.

Comments? Questions? I’m here for it. Just hit respond. I love to interact.

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​

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