
Hi Reader,

After another atmospheric river early in the week it felt good to get outside enjoy a little sunshine and take a walk on the beach. I’m getting ready for a trip to Costa Rica with my friend Tawnya so it’s been busy getting things tied up. I’m a last minute packer. How about you– a pack ahead or last minute packer?

The first quarter is coming to a close, Spring is here, the season of planting and growth . There’s an energy in the air of shifting, creating, and looking at what is no longer serving us. Sometimes those shifts can be hard especially if we resist them.

I had a recurring theme that kept popping up this week, breadcrumbs. Let me explain. Three very different situations and the breadcrumbs were there for all of them

I was talking with a friend about her frustration with a move she wants to make to a new city. Her sense was that she kept getting mixed messages from her intuition.

A coaching client was trying to unravel some relationship issues and felt while she was disrupting the old pattern, she had she wasn’t where she wanted to be either.

A colleague was really excited about a new project but could not see how it fit in her business, so was thinking she needed to decline the opportunity.

Do you remember the children’s story where the child left a trail of breadcrumbs to mark her path? I liken the small shifts and opportunities presented as breadcrumbs to the bigger picture version of life I have for myself. Even when things seemingly don’t work out there are awarenesses, connections, skills and lessons that can be applied for the next time.

My friend realized her intuition was giving her breadcrumbs. Things like getting lost when trying to meet a real estate agent, going to see a home that seemed perfect but had very loud neighbors, and picking up supplies from a colleague’s home so she could find the right area in the city and a home that was better that she had imagined. She originally had declined to look outside one specific neighborhood. The repeated accidental visits to another neighborhood opened up different possibilities.

When I took my client through the process of looking at the big picture from her energetic blueprint out to her physical reality, she realized the work she was doing not only shifted her old patterns but had created the space for a healthier much deeper connection with her husband and kids.

And my colleague, she chose to work on the new project just because it seemed fun and excited her. She texted today to tell me she met a woman that she’s exploring a collaboration with to teach internationally, something she’s been wanting to do for years.

So often we set a goal and try to make a beeline for the finish line, taking the next logical step because that’s how it’s always been done. The thing is life doesn’t always unfold in a neat and orderly way.

I dare say half the fun is in the quirky little twists and turns that open the door for synchronicity. Learning to lean in, trust the flow, and allow the breadcrumbs to lead you could bring you to something far better that you even imagined.

I would love to hear from you. Hit reply let me know what breadcrumbs are there for you or ask me a question if you’re not certain.

Be Well,



P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~Realignment series topic specific pre-recordered mini classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal.

~ Live workshop this Fall

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full