
Hi Reader,

It’s late August the kids are heading back to school. I can’t get used to school starting before Labor Day (I know I’m dating myself😂). This time of year always has a feeling of new beginnings, in many ways more so than January first. I’ve been looking at what I want more of, less of, or none of and it drew me down this path of cycles.

Life, much like the seasons, unfolds in a rhythmic dance of growth, rest, and renewal. Just as the earth experiences its changing seasons, we too experience cycles of planting, nurturing, harvesting, and fallow.

This cyclic nature mirrors the ebb and flow of our own journeys, offering valuable lessons about patience, growth, and the art of embracing change. I generally find the fallow period where I’m not quite certain what’s next to be the most challenging. My mind is trying to charge full steam ahead and I get a wee bit impatient.

Planting the Seeds of Intentions🌱

The fallow period is a powerful one. This is when we formulate the seeds of our intentions. These seeds are our dreams, aspirations, and goals. It can feel uncomfortable, murky, and confusing. Especially given that we live in a society that prioritizes productivity above all else. Taking time here sets the stage for growth. This phase is about clarity and setting a course for the journey ahead. Intentions hold the energetic blueprint of what you’re wanting to create. It makes sense to allow some space to let them develop.

Nurturing with Care and Patience

Be gentle with yourself here. It’s not wasted time. Setting the stage to create what you’re percolating on is time well spent. Yes, it takes patience (not my strong suit by any means) and can feel chaotic but change is a key component in life we may as well embrace it.

Taking a few minutes each day to ground and center yourself will help. Things like meditation, walking barefoot outside, and mindfulness can help bring your energy back to yourself instead of having it scattered. Growth and change take time and don’t always (errrrr I mean …. rarely does it) happen according to our timeline.

Fallow Time: A Time for Reflection 🪞

This is also a time for us to rest and reflect. It’s not a pause in our journey but a necessary state of regeneration. It’s a time to recharge, nourish our spirits, and gain new perspectives.

Just as a field left fallow becomes more fertile, our fallow time prepares us for what comes next infusing clarity, allowing us to rejuvenate and focus our energies. Take that nap, soak in the tub, stargaze, and let your mind wander it helps to open the space for possibility and clarity.

Embracing the Ebb and Flow

Growth and transition is not linear; it’s a cyclical process. Just as the seasons repeat themselves, our own paths revisit similar themes, challenges, and opportunities. The key is to embrace the ebb AND the flow, there is gold in the ebb.

No phase is more important. Looking at it holistically there is interconnection and it’s all needed. We have the power to tend to our lives with care and mindfulness.

How do you navigate the fallow seasons?

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for some tools to help you improve your mindset, energy, and stress level, check out the Heart Chakra Realignment​

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~ I’m working on some shifts in my business, looking to create more community, write more, and do more research along the way I’ll share as things become more clear.

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full