
Hi Reader,

I came home to find the house decorated for Halloween, a nice surprise. Fall is here, with shorter days and longer nights.

While we don’t have much leaf color here in Santa Cruz, there is still a shift in seasons. I bought pumpkins for the front walkway and apples for applesauce, my fall favorite. Do you have fall favorites?

I sat on a bench outside the hotel ballroom with Tawnya, waiting and wondering why they had not set up the room for the writing workshop with Alex Elle that was supposed to begin in a few minutes. A fellow writer wandered over asking where the workshop was, a nice confirmation we weren’t getting forgetful. After much digging in our respective emails, we discovered the workshop had been moved to the next day. The three of us set off to find some lunch and walk a labyrinth.

As I walked the labyrinth, I became aware of the need to increase my energetic hygiene. For many, the idea of energetic hygiene is foreign. It’s one of the first things I work with clients on.

It looks a little different for each person, but incorporating an element of grounding, centering, and clearing is vital. My routine at the moment is a barefoot walk through a mini labyrinth in my backyard for grounding, twenty minutes of meditation for centering, and alternating chakra and meridian work for clearing.

The components can be anything that feels good to you. The important thing is to tune in to your energy and use the tools and techniques you have to keep your energy moving smoothly. This is a key component to vibrant well-being.

Being conscious of how your energy is flowing can help shift an unhealthy pattern, boost focus or creativity when you need it or assist in healing an existing issue. Take a moment today and assess where your energetic hygiene could use some tweaking and make those changes this week.

What is your favorite energy technique or tool? Hit reply and let me know.

Be Well,


P.S. If you’re looking for more articles, visit me over at Medium

Upcoming Workshops, Classes, Challenges

~~Realignment series topic-specific pre-recorded mini-classes with a mix of energy processes to move through blocks and heal. Inner Wisdom Alignment Bundle

My private coaching/healing practice is currently full