
We’re having our first heat wave of the summer this weekend, luckily, the fog here on the coast helps keep the temperature down. I did have a delightful moment last night sitting with a glass of wine and a Jodi Picoult (Wish You Were Here) book. A perfect close to the first half of the year.

It’s hard to believe we’re halfway through the year. I like to pull out the plan I made in January and see where I am and what needs to be adjusted or scrapped. I like the reminder that plans are a good guidepost but not the end all be all.

One of my goals was to write more regularly, fiction in particular. I got a late start, not really sticking with a schedule until April, but I’m calling it a win because I have been very consistent since then. I tend to use stacking when I create a new habit.

Basically, adding a new habit to one that is already in place. In this case, I started writing in the morning before I meditated. For me, meditation is a non-negotiable; even if it’s only ten minutes, I squeeze it in every morning.

This got me into the habit of writing five or six days a week. I did have to shift my morning walk to the evening because, well, time. This will work into the fall when the days are shorter, and then I’ll need to adapt for the season. Until then, enjoying this new routine is the plan.