
Each morning I go outside barefoot to ground and center before I start my day. I also often deadhead my petunias. This week I was thinking pinching off the old blooms was like shifting energy and removing blocks.
If I don’t tend to the flowers, there are fewer blooms.

The same is true for our lives. Hanging on the old, outdated stories about ourselves, thought patterns, and energy flows keeps us stuck and leaves us feeling indifferent or languishing.
Rewriting our stories happens in a number of ways. The foundation is to look at energy flow and clear out the blocks that are no longer serving you. Then take look at what you want and what is meaningful for you. Once you have some clarity around that take some imperfect action – baby steps definitely count

Here are some tools to help you sift through some of the should/could thoughts that cause traffic jams in moving forward.

This TED Talk is Adam Grant talking about languishing and the power of flow. It’s a good listen if you’re feeling indifferent or missing that spark.

Simon Sinek’s TED Talk about aligning with your why is a powerful one. It’s an older talk that always inspires me. This is a good one if you’re a little fuzzy on what is meaningful for you.
Dan Blank has a clarity exercise that is similar to the one I use with clients. It can help you connect values, intentions, and actions, you can check it out here

Have a great week, and take a few moments to daydream and connect with what your true desires are. It can be just what you need to light the way forward.

Drop me a note to let me know what you thought of the resources.