
Quitting can be a way to get in alignment with who you are now and where you want to go. It can be a recalibration to what truly matters for you.


We are in the midst of the Great Resignation. Many people have had enough and are calling it quits. When you’re in a situation that’s not a fit there is a push to stick with it, to see it through. We have a stigma around quitting as if it’s a failure. Here’s the thing though, when you engage in something that you aren’t aligned with it drains your energy. It makes you sick. Research shows that staying in a bad marriage leads to worse health outcomes, particularly for women.


Staying at a job you hate has the same effect and impacts so many other parts of your life. Life isn’t always easy, breezy, and fun. There are hard moments, challenging seasons, and uncertain outcomes. That’s part of life. 


   Quitting gets a bad rap, it takes strength and determination. There are times when it’s the best course of action. When something isn’t a fit the brave thing to do can be to quit. I’m not talking about choosing not to put in the effort or working on a compromise. I’m talking about when you’ve tried and there just isn’t any palatable solution. When you know in your gut this thing isn’t in your best interest.

The job you stay at because it’s what you know. 

The team you’re part of even though it goes against your values, 

The friend that drains you but you stay friends with. 

The relationship that is toxic, but you feel you should maintain.


Quitting isn’t about a sudden abrupt leaving, or ghosting. It’s about consciously choosing to move toward something new. Having those conversations can be hard, we have to have them anyway.  If you communicate your concerns, and can’t find a solution that feels in alignment it’s time to quit.


It might take a few months to find a new job or start your own business. It might take some time to repair or leave a relationship. That old hobby you once loved may take some time to replace with a new one. 

Here are some things I’m quitting in 2022 – well practicing quitting….


By “practicing”, I mean two steps forward one step back, trying on different approaches that feel new, awkward, and are sometimes uncomfortable. But at this point, the wisest parts of me are nudging me to upgrade and I’m doing my best to listen. 


People-pleasing – this idea of keeping others happy at my own expense is old. It’s not a match for who I am consciously choosing to be. 


Hustle Mentality – Letting go of pushing through, over-scheduling, and high productivity is a top priority for me. Life at a slower pace feels better. I know better than most (from my work in hospice) that when the end comes it’s not the boxes ticked off on my list that will have me sighing in satisfied contentment. The experiences I had, the people I connected with and the love I shared will be the highlights.


Comparing – What others have, look like, and do are not measures of my worth. Unlearning the marketing push to want what everyone else has (or at least what the story of the marketing messaging says they have) to make sure I measure up somehow. This is insidious, wriggling in when I’m not paying attention. I do not need more stuff! I want to celebrate others and lift them up and be my own unique colorful self. 


What are you quitting?