
I stopped for coffee last week and witnessed a grown man have essentially a temper tantrum because they did not have almond milk. He spewed profanities, stomped his foot, and slammed his hand on the counter. The barista stayed calm and did her best to diffuse the situation until the manager asked the man to leave.

There is a general sense of stress and tension in the air. The collective consciousness feels chaotic. People, in general, seem to have less patience and are quick to blame. This kind of energy can influence how you move through your day.  👀

In addition to my normal self-care practices, I’m tuning in to my body even more. There is a wealth of information that we carry with us if we take a moment to pay attention to it.

Chakra Energy Archetype AssessmentAn ache here, a twinge there, we all get them. Most of the time, it’s brushed to the side, ignored until the ache becomes constant, the twinge becomes painful, and it’s interfering with everyday life.

I call these physical symptoms Body Triggers. They’re the physical manifestations of an energy block or energy release. These Body Triggers are your early warning system, indicating a change in your energy flow and the opportunity for energy healing. They can indicate either a positive flow or a negative flow.

Your early warning system can be triggered by a limiting belief, an action that’s out of alignment for you, stress, the energy you’re immersed in at home or work, a choice that’s good for you, fear, growth, or any number of internal or external circumstances.

By paying attention, you can get to an underlying belief or behavior and change it before it manifests as a bigger problem. The first step is gaining awareness of the belief or behavior pattern. The sooner you identify it generally, the easier it is to change the pattern.

To become familiar with Body Triggers, start with something you know. Recall a time when you were nervous and had butterflies in your stomach. That was a body trigger. If you continue to experience the nervousness, the body trigger gets stronger, perhaps an upset stomach and long-term may become a gastrointestinal disturbance.⌛

Applying this to everyday life can be done by trying the following two techniques;

When you notice an ache, pain, or new sensation in the body, do the following:

  • Pause and focus on the area where you’re noting the new sensation.
  • Mentally review your recent behavior or thought pattern.
  • Note what comes up, over time, you’ll notice a pattern. This pattern is the Body Trigger.

The other method is reflective – take a moment and get quiet;

  1. Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths
  2. Do a Body Scan by moving your attention up through your body, starting at your toes and working up the body to the top of your head.
  3. Notice the sensations in your body, tension, aches, pains, tingling, etc.
  4. Now, vividly imagine a situation or event that you felt activated by (I suggest doing this twice, first with a negative and follow it with a positive)
  5. Breathe in the experience, allowing the feelings to move through your body.
  6. Do another Body Scan, noting any difference in the sensations you’re feeling. {Repeat steps four through six as desired}
  7. Take three deep breaths, consciously releasing any tension still held in your body.
  8. Open your eyes and write down any observations. The physical sensations you felt were Body Triggers.

As you become more aware of your own Body Triggers, you’ll be able to quickly shift your energy. Some of the more common body triggers are a stiff neck, often associated with stubbornness or a lack of flexibility, or a warm tingly sensation running up and down your arms associated with recognizing the truth or a positive direction.

These are not set in stone. You may have a Body Trigger that’s very different from what someone else may have and that’s completely normal. That’s why it’s important to tune into your own body and to decode your own early warning system.

Learning to notice and respond to your early warning system takes practice, but the rewards are tremendous. When you identify energy blocks early, you can sidestep strong physical symptoms before they manifest. You’re also able to hear your inner guidance more clearly and frequently, allowing you to take inspired action on a regular basis. 

I would love to hear from you comment below and let me know what you discovered.

Be Well,

CathyCathy Brennan - Center For Conscious Wellness


If you’re looking for some support, here are two ways we can work together:

  1. When it’s time to create the change you’ve been desiring and you’re ready to break through old patterns. Schedule a Clarity Package when you’re faced with changes or feel stuck whether it’s health, career, relationships, or purpose clarity sessions that can help. Get all the details for a Clarity Package​  *Note  there will be a price increase in January 2022*
  2. Looking for a more immersive experience? The Everyday Consciousness Coaching group is a 8-week coaching and energy healing program held quarterly to step outside of your comfort zone, get unstuck, to create desired change in your life. The next cohort is in January with registration opening at the end of December. You can get on the waitlist here(and get a discount when we open registration)