
It was a busy week creating a new workshop, scratching the surface of a new project for a healers community, and carving out some physical space to record (audio and video). My office is open and very sunny, not conducive to recording, so I claimed some space in my (very large) closet mostly because the sound and light is easier to control in there.

By Friday I was very unproductive, flitting from project to project without getting a thing done. This is usually a symptom of too much work and not enough play for me. I’m grateful to have the awareness of that.

We all lose that spark for life or get a little lost on our journey from time to time.

The stress of everyday life – this past year has provided plenty of that.

The repetition of daily activities can feel so monotonous and you kind of lose yourself.

  • Time passes
  • Roles shift
  • Autopilot gets activated
  • Overwhelm sets in
  • The road ahead seems shorter than the road behind you.
  • Boredom floats in

Pick your trigger(s). These triggers first show up as a disruption in your energy field. It’s invisilbe so it can be easy to ignore Over time it creates blocks, and you start to feel less engaged and more disconnected from your life.

If I’m being honest the procrastination pattern is often preceded by some restless sleep and a vague sense of discontent….and I often ignore those early indicators 🙂

The good news is you can clear energy blocks at any stage, and if you tune in to the six spheres of influence, you can re-ignite that spark with small, consistent actions.

The six spheres are areas that research has shown to significantly increase life satisfaction. They are self-awareness, positive relationships, environment, sovereignty, personal growth, and purpose. I want to explore the first sphere today.

Self-Awareness – this focuses on self-acceptance, self-love – including your wrinkles, warts, rolls, the good, the bad, and the indifferent qualities you have. Knowing your strengths AND your weaknesses helps you navigate through the ups and downs of life. Self-Awareness isn’t about artificial cheerleading.

It’s about accepting the fact that you’re human and you do have both positive and negative aspects, and they’re not mutually exclusive. How you manage your thoughts about who you are and the things you do or don’t do is a component here as well. There will always be things that you’ll want to work on and others that naturally shine.

Increasing self-awareness is as simple as noticing and being honest about what’s going on for you not just on the surface but deeper too. As that discernment increases so does your ability to notice the energy that’s flowing(or not flowing as the case may be). This level of self-awareness deepens over time. Recognizing shifts in your energetic flow and adjusting it can help you sidestep bigger issues down the road.

Try this experiment this week to boost self-awareness: At least once a day before starting a task do a check in – ask yourself these questions and notice any patterns. This is quick and should only take 30 – 60 seconds

  • What am I trying to accomplish here?
  • Why?
  • Given my strengths & weaknesses, what’s the best use of my time?
  • What type of energy do I need? (ie: calm, expansive, high octane etc)

Let me know how it goes okay? Have a great week.