
As we move through this pandemic, things have slowed down and normal everyday activities are more challenging I find myself evaluating what I truly want in my life. I’ve been asking myself ‘Am I doing this simply because I’ve always done them?’ and What areas of my life are a ‘Hell Yes!’ and what areas are lukewarm or ‘Hell No!’. I’m revisiting the 10 pillars that make up the framework for both my private clients and my groups. I thought it would be helpful to share them in case you’re re-evaluating too.


1.) Be Who You Are

•Be authentic

•Stay tuned in to your beliefs and values

•Play to your strengths

•Don’t compensate/apologize for who you are

2.) Be Kind

•Clean up your self-talk – if you wouldn’t say it out loud to someone else don’t say it to yourself

•Practice kindness – first to yourself, then towards others

•Hold all living things in compassion

•Be a beacon of love

3.) Honor Your Body

•Tune in to what your body is telling you

•Acknowledge your body’s wisdom, even if you don’t heed it

•Get right with your food

•Use your body properly

4.) Trust Your Inner Wisdom

•Tune in to your inner wisdom daily

•Follow and trust your inner wisdom

•Be gentle with yourself as you learn to deepen that trust

•Embody the wisdom of creating your own destiny


5.) Dare to Be Your Authentic Self

•Express yourself

•Follow your dreams

•Own your power

•Don’t settle (different from compromise)

6.) Continue to Grow, Expand, and Experience Life

•Try new things

•Have fun, play regularly

•Create something

•Be open to new experiences and adventures

7.) Practice Mastery

•Identify and use your strengths

•Go deep into your passion

•Stay in the moment

•Allow flow, synch up with your vibration

8.) Connect Regularly

•Foster positive relationships

•Be brave enough to be vulnerable

•Create/plug in to community

•Surround yourself with others who fill you up

9.) Foster Positive Emotion

•Choose positive thoughts/start the day with a positive thought

•Share your happiness

•Practice gratitude

•Appreciate beauty

10.) Fine Tune Your Energy

•Practice energetic hygiene


•Be tuned in to your body, mind, and spirit

•Be aware of the energy of your environment/collective consciousness