I thought to myself, you need to change your life. I had lost my spark, days seemed to blend together. I was actively trying to convince myself that everything was fine. There was that word though, the one that says it all –  ‘fine’. The code word for I’m not really happy with this but I’m gonna suck it up and get through it. It seems to suck all of the air out of the room.

Independence day has a special meaning to me. It was on this day 8 years ago that I moved from my home on the east coast, leaving behind family and friends to travel 3000 miles to California, by myself. 

 I stayed with a dear friend for a month before finding a sweet, sunny, flower-filled cottage 3 blocks from the beach in Santa Cruz, CA. 5 years later I bought a house – solo- something I never thought I would do. 

Changing Your Life Isn’t Always Easy

There have been ups and downs but I’ve made a new home, engaged with a new community, created a business that feels purposeful, and made new friends. I let go of some relationships and redesigned many others. There was an alignment of mind body and spirit when I decided now is the time to change your life.

I’ve had to make countless decisions, face many fears, and take a deep look at my beliefs, habits, and behavior patterns.  I wasn’t always clear about what my next step would be but I learned to trust myself and listen to my inner wisdom. Sometimes it’s a gentle nudge. Sometimes it’s a vivid dream. Sometimes it’s a swift kick in the pants. The more I listened and trusted the more smoothly things seemed to unfold.

I love my life, it’s not perfect. It’s a life built on choices and decisions that are aligned with who I am. It’s built on my values and desires….not someone else’s.  My plan is to grow, learn, and explore on this journey we call life.

 Courage to Change Your Life

One of the most common comments I get when people hear my story is “That must have taken a lot of courage.”  At times this would have me second-guessing myself because it didn’t feel particularly courageous, it just felt right deep in my gut. I didn’t have all of the answers upfront. I leaned in and trusted and took the next step. I knew for sure what I was doing was a ‘Hell No’ and I knew my ‘Hell Yes’ was to be true to myself and be okay with changing course as needed.


My ability to commit to that fascinated people and confused me. I had doubts, I had fears, and I learned to lean into inner wisdom to take steps forward even before the full picture unfolded. There was the desire to create something that energized me and created a deep sense of well-being and happiness. It was my coaching work that showed me how I did that and why it was different. What was a natural solution for me was not for others.

 Consciously Creating Change

In my business, I work with women around change, major decisions, and personal leadership particularly around midlife when it all seems to bubble up to the surface more strongly and it feels like time is of the essence. Consciously creating trust in yourself, your inner wisdom, is one of the most impactful gifts you can give yourself especially when you choose to change your life.

Look, life isn’t always easy, it’s just not designed that way. When we hit the rough patches, the stuck ones, the painful ones, being able to lean into that trust is a big deal. It helps cut through the uncertainty and fear.   

 Early this year I had the pleasure of running a research project around WebWork, an energy healing modality. The results were overwhelmingly positive with all participants showing > 50 % improvements. You can read more about it here 

I’m sharing this with you today because I have a handful of openings for Clarity Sessions. You get a combination of coaching and WebWork that yields great results. My one-on-one coaching practice is full but these sessions are a great way to kick start your spark or breakthrough a pattern that’s holding you back.

 If it’s time to make the changes you’re craving…big or little this is where it all starts. You can find out more here: https://ccwellness.samcart.com/products/clarity-sessionvlxoq


Wishing you a Happy Independence Day