
Change your story, change your life.

Cutting-edge research in mind-body medicine to create the changes you’re yearning for.

Cathy Brennan - Mind-Body Medicine

Change your story, change your life.

Cutting-edge research in mind-body medicine to create  the changes you’re yearning for.

The Human Energy Field

Each of us has a biofield, an electromagnetic energy field that runs through us (think EKG or brain waves). This energy has a specific vibration that fluctuates. Learning to manage this vibration helps improve how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Baby Steps = Big Shifts

The big bold leaps have their place but most lasting change occurs with small consistent action. Making the goal for today to be 1% better than yesterday feels very achievable and helps eliminate the overwhelm that often accompanies big change. 

The Voice Inside Your Head

There is a quiet voice that gently (or not so gently) nudges you toward flow, the path of least resistance to your goal. This is not to be confused with the self critical voice that originates in fear. The voice of intuition is something that takes time and effort to tune in to clearly, and is well worth the effort.

The Brain , The Biofield, & The Body

Hi, I am Cathy, a  a mind-body researcher, integrative wellness coach, and author. I study the effects of thoughts and biofield resonance on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being and look at the science of what makes people desire, initiate and create lasting change. I then share it with my clients and community ( you’re welcome to join us, see below!).


Trusting Your Gut: Lessons from Simone Biles🥇

Trusting Your Gut: Lessons from Simone Biles🥇

The Energy of You Volume XIX Issue# 26 Hi Reader, I was watching the documentary Simone Biles Rising this week {I am not into sports, but I LOVE the Olympics}. I have such admiration for her ability to trust her own wisdom and having the courage to do what was right for her. She talks about how difficult that was and how crushed she was to have to walk away from the competition. The ability to lean in and discern your own truth is not always easy. I highly value it, and in my practice, I work…

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Confessions of an Aura-Challenged Healer 😂

Confessions of an Aura-Challenged Healer 😂

A few years ago, I was having dinner with a friend. We were talking about our healing practices. Allison is a flower essence practitioner and animal communicator. I lowered my voice just above a whisper to ask her, “Can you see auras?” She leaned in, lowering her voice as well “No.” Relief flooded my body. I wasn’t the only one. We started laughing. It’s an inside joke now when we have a particularly powerful session or some self-doubt creeps…

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