Can You Really Find Your Purpose After 40?
I have some changes going on in my work ecosphere and I’m trying to consciously create my next chapter. I’ve revisited some of my anchor points, things like strengths, values, energetic flow, and what needs healing as I move forward. This week I’ve been thinking about...
Energy Healing Research Results
It’s been an interesting week with lots of changes and shifting for me personally as well as clients and friends, there must be something in the air. My tendency is to look for a silver lining. It’s a natural disposition and I know that for many it takes a little...
Top Tips for Consciously Re-Engaging with Life
Memorial Day. The unofficial start of summer. I have so many cherished memories of summer, annual trips with my extended family to Hampton beach, S’mores around the campfire with my kids and nieces and nephews, night swims with my niece Sam, skinny dipping with my...
How Hustle Mentality Drains Your Energy – and What To Do About It
This week I kept seeing articles in the news and posts on social media about jumping back into our old routines. There was one in particular that had me grumbling. The author (who shall remain anonymous) quoted some longevity and life satisfaction research that I am...
Longevity, Mindset & Western Medicine
I had a minor accident a few weeks ago that jarred an already tender lower back. It appears that I have a pinched nerve that’s now irritated and stirring up trouble in the form of pain. Definitely not my favorite experience. It wasn’t something I could ignore, so off...
Is Personal Growth a Core Element in Happiness?
I feel like I’m forever running little experiments…must be the researcher in me. I’m always testing and tweaking things in my business and my personal life. In the past couple of weeks, I had an intuitive reading, an astrology consultation, and a close friend all tell...
Following Lifes Breadcrumb Trail
The first quarter is coming to a close, Spring is here, and things are definitely improving with the pandemic. There’s an energy in the air of shifting, creating, and looking at what is no longer serving us. Sometimes those shifts can be hard, especially if we resist...
Midlife Unraveling With Grace
I started last week with a few hours at the beach—a walk, then some writing and daydreaming. I lay in the sand, looking up at the beautiful clouds floating past, sometimes blocking the sun, causing me to feel chilly. I wrapped my sweater around me, thinking about the...
Self Awareness, Sparks & Triggers
It was a busy week creating a new workshop, scratching the surface of a new project for a healers community, and carving out some physical space to record (audio and video). My office is open and very sunny, not conducive to recording, so I claimed some space in my...
Synchronicities & Trust
It's a quiet relaxing Sunday morning. I have my coffee and my journal with plans to pick out a new tree for my backyard today and not much else planned. Having the space to relax and just be, is one of the things I've been focused on consciously creating. It's also a...
Love, Self-Healing & Daisies
Happy Valentines Day! Love is in the air. When I was younger, Valentine's day was all about romantic love. As I got older, my scope became broader. I took a few moments this weekend to think about all of the different types of love that enrich my life, and I felt very...
Self-Healing, Pain & New Opportunity
I’ve been working through some pain in my left heel. It’s making it hard to walk Jake on the beach which makes me a little cranky. I’ve tried a number of different energy healing techniques with short-term success but eventually, the pain keeps returning (it probably...