Living the Dash: Lessons from a Costa Rican Jungle Sojourn
Hi Reader,
I’m writing this from the jungle in Costa Rica. I went for a short hike this morning, we came upon this deep pool below the waterfall.
We were hot, shared a look and a nod, and proceeded to climb in to cool off. We stayed in for an hour or so, talking and appreciating the beauty of the jungle.
I have a couple of projects brewing, a series of realignment bundles designed to reset your energy around a specific topic, a new customized realignment offering, and a live workshop for…
Leaning into Synchronicity: Embracing the Breadcrumbs of Life
Hi Reader,
After another atmospheric river early in the week it felt good to get outside enjoy a little sunshine and take a walk on the beach. I’m getting ready for a trip to Costa Rica with my friend Tawnya so it’s been busy getting things tied up. I’m a last minute packer. How about you– a pack ahead or last minute packer?
The first quarter is coming to a close, Spring is here, the season of planting and growth . There’s an energy in the air of shifting, creating, and looking at what is…
A Tip for Shifting Mindset & A Simple Energy Clearing Technique
Hi Reader,
I was chatting with my friend Allison this morning about healing and the often layered process it is. She has an amazing ability to tune in to her body and listen deeply. Sometimes this is not a quick or easy path but she shows up and does it.
Honestly, I have never met anyone who does this as beautifully as she does. She also follows through with what her body is needing for healing. There is a discipline in her ability to tune in and listen deeply one that’s not about ticking…
Resending: Conversations With a Healer: What’s at play with placebos?
Hi Reader, The placebo response is often thought of as something that was ‘all in your head.’ In research and medical communities, it has been treated as an inconvenience in part because a specific mechanism that causes the placebo response has not been identified and because it is not understood. Much like the human energy system, because the current science does not understand the process, it must not be real. And we all know that isn’t true. ****if you prefer to listen go here***** Another…
Conversations With a Healer: What’s at play with placebos?
Hi Reader,
The placebo response is often thought of as something that was ‘all in your head.’ In research and medical communities, it has been treated as an inconvenience in part because a specific mechanism that causes the placebo response has not been identified and because it is not understood. Much like the human energy system, because the current science does not understand the process, it must not be real. And we all know that isn’t true.
if you prefer to listen go here*****
Conversations With a Healer: The Sweet Sound of Silence- might just support your cell health
Hi Reader,
Cancer is one of those topics that make us stop and pause. About 40% of the population will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, and only about half will survive. If like me you are in the other 60% you will personally know someone who has or had cancer. Those statistics are very sobering and hit very close to home, my dad died of metastatic prostate cancer, and my mom is a breast cancer survivor. Cancer has an effect not only on those with the disease but those…
3 Telltale Signs You’re Resisting a Call to Adventure
What If- You knew exactly what your next step should be? Research Shows – Your brain takes your experiences and stores them creates habits of thought and behavior based on what was done in the past. Changing a habit takes time and effort. When we change...
How to Supercharge Your Year
I’m writing this from the patio of my Airbnb in the Cayman Islands. Each year I take a few days to clear my head and do some planning for the next year, both personally and professionally. (usually, I stay stateside, but with a backlog of airline credits from all the...
How to Weed Out Stale Energy So You Can Bloom
Each morning I go outside barefoot to ground and center before I start my day. I also often deadhead my petunias. This week I was thinking pinching off the old blooms was like shifting energy and removing blocks. If I don't tend to the flowers, there are fewer blooms....
Desire & The Sweet Spot Of Living
As summer comes to a close and thoughts turn towards pumpkin spice lattes and Christmas cookies - admittedly, for those here on the central coast, our ‘summer’ weather happens in early Fall (happy dances for me ). I still get the itch to look at where I am and what’s...
5 Areas a Scarcity Mindset Could be Sneaking in & Holding You Back
It’s been a busy couple of weeks with some significant decisions and the accompanying stress. I found myself wanting a nap mid-afternoon yesterday, after a little mental argument with myself...not enough time, too much to do, it's lazy .... blah, blah, blah... I took...
Is Energy Healing a Mythical Creature?
Energy healing is a broadly defined field within the complementary and alternative healthcare umbrella. It’s a field still in its research infancy and paradoxically is thought to be among the oldest healing method. We’re just recently starting to see research results...